» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:46 am
Steam game prices are regularly higher than retail prices
Are you kidding me?
and the "sales" are few and far between.
Are you kidding me?!!!!
You have obviously never used Steam, their prices are pretty much always on par or lower than retail, plus there is no sales tax. Amazon probably has more sales, but many times they try to price match Steam, and don't offer the security/features of Steam.
Also, they have a sale almost every week, you, and games (even triple A titles) go on sale multiple times a year. The only exceptions are highly regulated titles like Call of Duty, since Activision is a bunch of greedy A**holes, and those game rarely go on sale even in retail.
And if you can last it out until winter, you can pretty much get most games for $5-$20
I own a number of steam titles and have done for years but I still dont like it. Infact I have probably had a steam account a lot longer than most of the forum members here and have seen it evolve from a niche platform to its current state as one of the main digital download suppliers. And they are not "on par" with retail. They are either IDENTICAL to retail or cost more. Thats the same price as the physical medium, or more expensive. Steam does almost all of its sales on titles that have little or no retail sales, or on titles it creates. When not on sale older games cost almost 50% more than current retail prices. I mean just take a look at the prices for games released this time last year, and compare it to current retail prices. There is a big discrepancy that cant be ignored.
I live in the UK and we dont have sales tax, we have VAT (20%) which is applied to puchases in the UK. You still have to pay it when buying games on steam. Even Tesco is cheaper than Steam in the UK. A full retail box thats cheaper than a electronic download version should not even be possible (once you take manufacturing and shipping in to account).
If you stop the fanboyism and actually take a look at the bare facts, you would see that.