» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:55 pm
Yeah, Brink never looked good. I'm surprised people are surprised it's not good. Sure some of the parkour stuff looked nifty, but all the actual shooting looked about on par multiplayer Doom back in the day.
That said, for people slamming Bethesda, cool your jets. This game was developed by Splash Damage, not Bethesda. Bethesda was the publisher. That doesn't mean they are blameless, but put blame where it's due, people.
Regardless of all that, I'm still very happy with C2, though I (sadly) haven't had time to play it in the past few weeks. The core shooting experience and level design delivers, so I'll tolerate the occasional bugs. And yes, at this point, they are occasional (for me at least). I think I've fallen through the world once and I occasionally see the AI bug out, but that's it.