» Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:01 am
Why do you think they are all buried, why cant it just be in new york? people lingshan is ans island right?......bear with me...... Manhatten is a........island? did i just blow your minds? who know, i cant explain the color difference in blobbies, but they are still blobs, the dreadlocks are ships, and the small ones are robots, you see this in the damn assembly line people? just like warhead SAID, they self destruct when they get shot down, but in Sykes adventure, they managed to capture a dread, with a alien still in it. so.... people, why is there an alien next to the dread? because its they're F***in' ships, they fly around in them, but obiosly the small ones arnt big enough for them to fit in, because THEY are just ROBOTS, thats why the sparks and stuff. I imagine that the games going to pull a fast one and say all of the pacific island are ships, and Britain, and,........... getting my drift?
And to the guy with the dinosaur theory, sure, but Helena says, she says" What if this exactly want they want, those things drain any energy they come in to contact to," so what i think they were waiting for civilization to invent a power source(damn lazy aliens) walla, one day they get nuked, energy galore, the project was started early and behold they had enough energy for the invasion.
Explain that logic.