Yes everyone lets go stare at the flowers , killing is pointless , so is war and aliens . Remove the guns and blood and killing so we can have a firstperson " Sims " game

I would so buy that game for $100 just to benchmark my computer.
It is not so intensive as you may think.
1 5770 gave me 35-40 FPS under heavy explosions and busy scenes at hardcoe and 1920x1080.
I get that with two 5770s in crysis 1 (8xaa very high etc).
oh really? I'm aiming to get one 6970. I heard the crossfire 5770 is good at maxed out crysis but not enough for that many frames at 8xaa but then again, who knows. Maybe people are pulling my leg lol.[/quote]
Crysis 1 absolutely maxed out 1920x1080, 8xaa and dx10 very high gives me 30-35 FPS on 2 5770s
I usually play on High, still looks great and 50+ FPS.