» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:25 am
I need your help. I have lost my crysis 2 manual and the key. Although, i still play online because the CD key is stored, but if i need to reinstall the game for some reason, then I won't be able to play online. I have the DVD and the DVD cover with me which i think are of no use. I talked to a EA customer support guy but he said he can't help me. Is there anyway that i can recover my CD Key which is saved in the game.
Also, at the screen where you log in to multiplayer, there you can see the modify key option, does clicking on it show you the key that is currently there or not? because i am afraid if i click that then my key might be lost.
Yes, it will be lost if you click at it.
Yes, situation is bad.
Yes! I have a solution for you if your key is still stored in your game. Go to your crysis folder where crysis2.exe is contained.
See the Activation.exe, open it. Vuola! There's your S\N
You can go to the c:\ProgramData\Solidshield\bla-bla-bla...too many symbols. Where bla-bla-bla is a folder with like random symbols. And there is a file serial.txt. There is your serial.