Questions about Nanosuit Mods and Weapon Attachments in SP

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:37 am

From the most recent 20 min Gamespot vid N8 talked briefly about the suit mods and weapon attachments, I was wondering if these were persistent in the SP campaign?

If I were to say, unlock air stomp early in the SP. Would it then be freely available throughout the remainder of the game or do I only unlock it for that level?

And are weapon attachments weapon specific? If I get a reflex sight and a silencer for a SCAR, will they work on the shotgun as well? If I get a weapon attachment early on do I have it available for use throughout the SP game?

And what exactly does "Tactical Assessment Available" mean? Will the suit advise me on how best to approach different situations given the mods, weapons and attachments I have available?
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Michael Russ
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:27 pm

Most likely be persistent since you "buy" the suit upgrades with credits earned by killing enemies and doing objectives in the single player.

Certain weapons are limited in customisation, e.g. you cant put a rifle scope on a shotgun, its to varied at this stage, youll have to play but if you really want to know theres a weapon vid posted on youtube of the sandbox editor.

The suit will highlight objects of interest such as a rocket launcher or ammo dump and will also highlight objectives aswell as giving you the option to mark enemies.
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Emma Louise Adams
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