» Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:09 am
Hell NO! R1 and L1? sorry dude THAT svckS ASS R2 and L2 all the Way! maybe they'll let you edit the controls a little who knows but R1 and L1 svck for sight aiming and firing plus the majority of people play with R2 and L2 and crysis 2 will probably go with what the majority of people or used to playing with and thats R2 and L2
What are you talking about ?
If you play popular shooters on PS3 then you know that majority of them use R1 and L1 for fire and aim down the sights (COD, Battlefield BC, Far Cry 2, Resistance, ...). That's for a good reason : R1 and L1 are far more comfortable than "triggers" R2 and L2.