I'm sad to say this but it is obvious and important.
I don't know why but all topics I saw had at least five spelling failures!
I know many of you come from another country where English is not the main/official language but if you want to say something then please either improve your writing or correct it at least with Google translate or any other translater. My other thought is that all the people on this forum are immature children that are waiting for this game instead of learning in school. I had English lessons only in school and this was not much so I started to read forum entries and I started to watch English episodes of all series.
This thread is not to offend people just for telling the truth that no one can read false written threads and no one WANTS to read them if they have writing failures even in the TITLE!
If this thread is not in the right forum please move it there or stick it so everybody can read this text.
Cheers, Martin!