I mean no offence but wy would you play a game wen you dount know were you are,why are those guys shooting at me or why the f... im doing this, I dount know but I woudnt pay 60 bucks for a game without a good or complex story.
And still there are lots of ppl spending their money on counter strike.
I think the Crysis 2 story will not be linked too much with the crysis-story, probably there will be some references to the events on the lingshan-islands, but whatever. But i'd like to see some kind of prequel to crysis 2, showing what happened after the rest of raptor team returned to the sphere... but anything crysis-esque will satisfy me for now

I liked the story of crysis 1 alot, and i dont think there have been too much fps games where the aliens invade the human world, mostly it's been like the humans were the bad guys invading some extraterrestrian planet. I think the game was disliked by so many ppl because it wasn't just a shooter where you had to kill anything that moved, but one where you had to think of different strategies to get where you want to go, even having the option to sneak past your enemies. It wasn't like call of duty where you just had to get somewhere and barely survive while killing others, but you were "in control" of the game.
that's what i liked in crysis, and i hope that crysis 2 will hold on to that concept.