» Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:11 am
You may only download the leaked version if you:
1. Buy the game no matter what/have preordered it
2. Don't spoil anything for anyone
3. Only play a tiny fraction of the game
4. Never say anything negative about it
5. Constantly spurt out how amazing it is and how you want to give Crytek all of your money
6. Accept that the build is from Jan 13 and is very old
7. Accept that it's DX9 only, limited to high settings (Rather than very high)
8a. Don't make videos on Youtube saying "CRYSIS 2 MAX SETTINGS OMG!" because that's an outright LIE. There are NO Very High settings in the leak. The console commands AREN'T THERE. You CAN'T get it, because it DOESN'T EXIST yet.
8b. Don't make videos at all
9. Never stop yelling "AWWEEESSOOOMMMEEEE!!!!" while playing, because you genuinely enjoy it
10. Wish that the game didn't leak in the first place.
It's more of a moral decision, since the game isn't out yet, but if you follow the guidelines above no one will be hurt.
However, some people can't be trusted. That's why I personally wish that Crysis 2 were never leaked, even though so much awesome has been revealed/commented/played, and I managed to experience the very first HUUUUUUGGGGEEEEE spoiler in the beginning for myself, without anyone else ruining it for me.