PC Gamers - Melee "leap/autolock". Like or Dislike? [Poll]

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:25 am

One of the things I never liked about Halo 2 and later, or the COD games, is the autolock+leap of melee. If you melee at someone within a range, the game will aim you at the person and you get a burst of speed (the leap) to close the distance to strike.

Personally, I can't stand this. I would think melee, like when aiming a gun, should not have ANY assists, especially not speed increase ON TOP OF autolock. Halo 1, BF2, Brink (as far as I could tell so far), AND CRYSIS 1 :) all require you to aim manually and actually be close enough to hit. I don't mind stealth being lock on (but not too much and no leaping, which I don't believe it does) since it initiates a kill animation.

I wanted to know what other PC gamers thought of this. If there is enough interest from the PC crowd, perhaps it should be noted to Crytek for a possible update.

Thanks for reading.
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:43 am

Does this leap happen in Crysis 2? SP + MP?
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:35 am

I know it is in MP, I don't believe it is in SP but I would have to go check.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:50 am

No, it isn't in SP, now that i think of it, it's not like he has a knife except when sneaking up behind being cloaked, he usually hits with the gun.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:57 am

I voted for it staying, because personally, in reality, if I were to punch someone, I might get a little running start before-hand. You know, a little momentum. Also, you mentioned an "Auto-Lock"? I once did an entire MP Match with only melee attacks(I was teaching myself my new keyboard/mouse control assignments, it works rather well seeing as I had the most kills), and I never saw it locking on. What I would see is if they were moving(walking or running) this way

or this way

across my screen, during that burst forward, I sometimes would miss if I timed it wrong, and go right past them. Which would mean my death because I had exposed myself, and with my back turned to them, a sitting duck. So I've never seen this Auto-Lock, and if it was there, I probably would be fantastic at smack-downs.

Note: In Halo 2, there was no Auto-Lock, if you Energy Blade charged someone wrong, you'd zoom right past them in a straight line of your directional placement, allowing your opponent a free back-stab.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:44 am

Auto lock melee in games is for newbs.

Its terrible. In bc2 i used to cringe when i would melee someone. It was like melee aimbot. Wheres the skill in that? melee should be a high risk action, saved for a last resort. To have it take 99% of the work away from you is a joke. In oldschool games, using melee was a skill almost as important as any other weapon.

Honestly, its because of consoles. Gamepads just dont help accuracy at all in games, so instead of having 99% of the player base QQ that they cant hit melee attacks, they instead have an autolock/burst. Kind of like aim assist for melee. I cant think of any true PC game that had that sort of ****. It was always aim your melee, or miss. In half life, you aim ur crowbar. in CS, aim ur knife, in quake aim your gauntlet. These days you cant dodge melee because even if you jump over the dude ur gonna get hit lol.

Just another 'feature' due to the increasing casual nature of games these days.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:41 pm

I think it's not really an autolock, but that you can hit anywhere and the strike still connects. EVEN IF YOU'RE 6 METERS IN THE AIR.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

Ok, I now know for sure there is no Auto-Lock. An enemy was crouched and un-armored. I had to aim DOWN at him to kill him with melees, simply having him in front of me didn't work and punching, and ONLY AFTER I aimed down did he die in two hits. Never did it "Auto-Lock" for me.

Note: How was this situation possible? He was completely oblivious, though, he had a sniper rifle, could explain as to why he was oblivious to me.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 am

In real life do you use melee as a substitute for your primary weapon? DIDN'T THINK SO
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:34 am

For me this is one of those cases where I think the pc version needs a slightly different design than consoles. I think they (console gamers) need a little help because of the slower turn speeds etc but pc gamers don't need that, it just becomes a panic mechanism when gun skill should be>all.

Like on black ops I would get so annoyed getting knife lunged but then I would watch console gamers' vids and I almost never saw two people try to melee in close quarters situations, always they tried shooting (mostly because the melee button is difficult to reach).

This is why most people say games like this are a console port, some gameplay elements need to be tailored to the platform.
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:16 pm

What leap are you talking about?
Yes, you can move while punching someone, but that's not leaping.

In my (ever so humble) experience, all melee was to me is just a last-resort if I missed.
And never once did I notice a speed burst, nor any kind of "lock-on".
My acceptably good ability to accurately swing onto someone, which I got from DOOMing doesn't count.

There's the random hit-detection bug, but that's all there is.

Too bad there's no "Sprint Punch" for the power mode, that would be awesome.
Well, you know. Doing a charged downward slash with the fist while running, HERE COMES THE NIGHT TRAIN style.[/driftingoff]
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:10 am

I think it's not really an autolock, but that you can hit anywhere and the strike still connects. EVEN IF YOU'RE 6 METERS IN THE AIR.

Meleeing in this game is extremely facerolling, period.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:26 pm

Ive had the game turn me 180 degrees before when I hit the melee button, its ridiculous. You should at least have to be facing your opponent yourself to melee.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:33 pm

Thank you all for your input.

I'll have a friend help me make a short video showing definitely the leap that occurs. The autolock is similar to aim assist, you have to be aiming pretty close for it to work, it's not a huge assist, but it is one none the less.

Again, thanks for the posts and for no one calling this a noob thread. I figured other veteran PC gamers have got to be able to at least see the leap and I wanted to see everyone's opinion.
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