Less ammo in hard difficulties

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:52 pm

I like to play Crysis in Delta and try to be stealthy and conserve ammunition and whatnot...trying to find ways to deal with enemies without guns like i'm trying to scrounge up all the resources i can. But there's so many ammunition depots that i'm always at 300 bullets anyways. I know i can just NOT pick stuff up but i think it would be cooler if there was an option you could check to make enemy weapons have less bullets in them or weapon cache's more sparce.

Dont get me wrong i like the feel to the caches...we're on a military island and sometimes they have weapons in the buildings they operate from or little pileups of guns and bullets. Much better than some games that just conviently leave out weapons here and there for no apparent reason. "oh look! A rocket launcher...i wonder what could possibly be up ahead....meh"

I just think less ammo would add another suspensful element to the game. Like you can't afford to get into a fight with everyone and you have to make every shot count.

Going one step further, it would be cool if you actually had to search dead bodies for magazines. Like certain soldier types carry so many rounds of ammuntion and if you get in a fight with them they actually use those bullets...so if you're fighting a couple guys and they shoot at you alot, when you finally kill them they may only have half a mag left or maybe a few rounds in their weapon and a full mag on their body. Probably would be super taxing for computers but sounds like a blast doesnt it? Just that much more immersion :D
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:34 am

It wouldn't be super taxing at all! Just a counter on an enemy :)

Still, maybe mods will cater for your wishes :)
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:30 pm

I do like that idea, sounds something more fit for a modification though. ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:47 pm

Making a game more difficult by reducing ammo is silly .Making the A.I better is the right choice
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

The OP's idea isn't to make the game more difficult, it's to make it force you to choose your fights, so you can't go in guns blazing and wipe the floor with every living (or non-living) thing in it. Ok, so it does make the game more difficult, but in a good way. That would make you feel like an actual soldier instead of the Terminator.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:43 pm

What the OP stated and Jack the pumpkin said. Valid points. Although, I did find myself ammo hungry whilst playing Crysis on Delta. It was easy as taking candy from a baby (proper use of stealth, duh) but I never used my Scar, for instance, because the ammo for it completely drained away (I'm not a poor shooter) and I had to use the Ak47 look-alike rifle. Well, let's just say that anything with a silencer is awesome <3
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:58 am

Well ill state the obvious.You can have all the ammo you want in a game but the Ai can be so good like in some cases in stalker where the enemies go around you and u are dead.So no ammo is not the case.If u played arma then ok.You can have as many bullets u want but a good ai can be deadly.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:10 am

yeah i agree about the ai as well MrX but this is just kinda an idea i had to change the game a little bit to make it more interesting at times...not that the AI wouldnt have the same effect.

Take a game like dead space 2 for exmaple. Half the reason the game is so intense on higher difficulties is because you think "oh god i hope nothing pops out of that vent or jumps from around the corner right now because if so i'm going to have to use my last five bullets to put it down.....and oh god if i miss things are going to get really hairy"

Imagine approaching a KPA post where thres a jeep and make 5-6 guards and you have a grenade and a single full mag in your scar. Instead of just running in this time (which has its place in the game because thats fun as hell too) you'd be more likely to carefully scope out the entire base, marking all targets and try to seperate them out and what not with out sounding the alarm. And if certain enemy types had different amounts of ammo it just gets that much deeper. Say the guards in a shack have a magazine or two and no armor but if you sound the alarm and a jeep rolls up with a few guys in it or a helicopter drops 6 troops they would be heavily armored with 6 mags. With the shack guards, if you got into a firefight they may run out of bullets and revert to sidearm but with the backup troops...they're in it for the long run :D

Ive actually been in some fights in the game where i accidentially ran into a patrol of 5 guys or so and i only had like 3 shotgun shells and half a mag in my rifle. It is SO DAMN INTENSE when you're dodging KPA bullets and grenades and you finally manage to drop one and you have to haul ass to his corpse and quickly search the ground for his weapon because you desperatly need those bullets in his gun...then you're like oh **** oh **** where the hell is his gun and then a grenade goes off near you, blurring your vision and trees start falling down and you're like eff it gotta bail. OMG I LOVE IT!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:08 am

The OP's idea isn't to make the game more difficult, it's to make it force you to choose your fights, so you can't go in guns blazing and wipe the floor with every living (or non-living) thing in it. Ok, so it does make the game more difficult, but in a good way. That would make you feel like an actual soldier instead of the Terminator.

But thats the thing, your not a normal soilder, id go as far to say your stronger in the nanosuit than a terminator and lets not forget more agile.

Just play it on Hardest setting if you want to pick your fights, were the fun in finding an awesome weapon like the gauss rifle and it having 3 shots? wheres the fun in that?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 pm

Having to make those shots count. Winning a fight with limited resources.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:15 pm

The M16 was originally a fully automatic weapon and was later modified to be a tri-burst weapon to conserve ammunition.

Just because you are in a Nanosuit does not mean you get 400 rounds to fire off. I love the idea of battling with limited resources and in Crysis it actually could happen if you just used the SCAR from the beginning. The feeling of trying to take out an entire outpost with just half a magazine of ammunition left gives such a adrenaline rush and makes you much more creative and resourceful.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:42 am

agreed. i alwas try to use the scar as long as possible jsut for that reason
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 pm

Ive actually been in some fights in the game where i accidentially ran into a patrol of 5 guys or so and i only had like 3 shotgun shells and half a mag in my rifle. It is SO DAMN INTENSE when you're dodging KPA bullets and grenades and you finally manage to drop one and you have to haul ass to his corpse and quickly search the ground for his weapon because you desperatly need those bullets in his gun...then you're like oh **** oh **** where the hell is his gun and then a grenade goes off near you, blurring your vision and trees start falling down and you're like eff it gotta bail. OMG I LOVE IT!

Haha! That's so true :). It's very nice.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:46 pm

This thread is a great representation of why Crysis is one of the best shooters that has ever been made. It gives you the options to play it as an action-packed Michael Bay style movie or as a tactical stealth shooter, and at times it makes you do both. A holistic "realism" mod would be a cool thing to have fr Crysis. It's just too bad that it didn't come out earlier.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:20 am

Having to make those shots count. Winning a fight with limited resources.
For example, every time I play Crysis I'm always low on Sniper rifle ammo....
Or in Crysis: Warhead, I'm always short on C4 when I need it the most.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 pm

This thread is a great representation of why Crysis is one of the best shooters that has ever been made. It gives you the options to play it as an action-packed Michael Bay style movie or as a tactical stealth shooter, and at times it makes you do both.

Agree 100%! : )
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 pm

I think Metro 2033 really nailed the whole value of ammunition idea, where you had to decide whether to waste your precious bullets on an enemy or exchange them for a better gun, equipment, etc;
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maya papps
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

I think Metro 2033 really nailed the whole value of ammunition idea, where you had to decide whether to waste your precious bullets on an enemy or exchange them for a better gun, equipment, etc;

True .Metro 2033 is a close quarters game and a great atmosphere and its logical when a disaster has occured that you are gonna be low on ammunition.The most scary and tension anxious part in metro 2033 was the gas mask by far.Crysis 2 is a different game.You are a supersoldier and u are going alone to face the biggest threat of humanity and getting anxious about bullets when aliens pop out feels a little fail.That is why i said it must be an Ai focused game and raising difficulty should mean more smart enemies.Crysis 1 gave you enough freedom to even pass whole leves without being seen at all.It let your imagination draw your will and actions.Crysis 2 is the war ,they are coming and they are plenty so its a little different.
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 pm

Eh, I'm not a fan of the reduced ammo idea.

I'd rather a game be hard because it's just plain hard, not hard because you have to play a numbers game. I always felt games that use this mechanic to up the difficulty do so at the cost of fun. Instead of concentrating wholly on the action, I always have a nagging notion in the back of my head where I'm trying to figure out if I have the resources to continue fighting the way I am. For me it just subtracts from the fun. I want to play the game, not run the numbers.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:31 am

The M16 was originally a fully automatic weapon and was later modified to be a tri-burst weapon to conserve ammunition.

Just because you are in a Nanosuit does not mean you get 400 rounds to fire off. I love the idea of battling with limited resources and in Crysis it actually could happen if you just used the SCAR from the beginning. The feeling of trying to take out an entire outpost with just half a magazine of ammunition left gives such a adrenaline rush and makes you much more creative and resourceful.

sorry but the M16 have 3 modes of fire [3 rounds, one shot, and...automatic]

so...back to the topic...for me this could be a good idea
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:38 am

that would be awesome SO LONG AS SEMI-AUTO comes standard on weapons in single player. Without semi auto rifles it would defeat the purpose
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:24 am

i'm sure they wouldn't ditch the weapon fire mode option. I think the idea would be better suited for cryis 1 than crysis 2 because the alien fights in 2 seem bullet intensive. Doesn't look like you can pop into strength mode, headshot, and go cloak again versus them. But i'd like to think of a lesser ammo option as another way that we the players can torture ourselves. Like some people tortue themselves by playing through a Metal Gear Solid game with getting zero alerts and zero kills on the highest difficulty, this 'mod' would just be another way for us to challenge ourselves...and have a blast in doing so.

How difficult is it to mod such things? Do you need to be incredibly computer savy and have programming knowledge or is it simliar to Starcraft 2's editor where you just have to decipher what all the values mean and change them from there?? I've always been interested in mapmaking so maybe I could attempt to do something like this :D
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