Dont get me wrong i like the feel to the caches...we're on a military island and sometimes they have weapons in the buildings they operate from or little pileups of guns and bullets. Much better than some games that just conviently leave out weapons here and there for no apparent reason. "oh look! A rocket launcher...i wonder what could possibly be up ahead....meh"
I just think less ammo would add another suspensful element to the game. Like you can't afford to get into a fight with everyone and you have to make every shot count.
Going one step further, it would be cool if you actually had to search dead bodies for magazines. Like certain soldier types carry so many rounds of ammuntion and if you get in a fight with them they actually use those if you're fighting a couple guys and they shoot at you alot, when you finally kill them they may only have half a mag left or maybe a few rounds in their weapon and a full mag on their body. Probably would be super taxing for computers but sounds like a blast doesnt it? Just that much more immersion