» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:50 am
It's true that the gameplay in S.T.A.L.K.E.R could have been more varied, but I think that the unique gun-play makes up for that. As for variety the game has seven endings which definitely ensures that each playthrough will vary from the previous one. On to Crysis 2, the game looks gorgeous, looks to have an intriguing story that has been kept under wraps so far (hopefully with good reason when we find out on the 22nd), and improved gameplay that will deliver an improved Crysis experience. The game from what we've seen so far, could be game of the year material, but best game ever is a little much. And that's the conclusion that I should hope most fans of the game reach.
The game of the year awards are just a shambles lol, at no point would I ever consider a game good just because it won game of the year.
Red Dead Redemption didnt deserve it because the game couldnt hold my interest, it was a visual feast but it felt like watching one of those old westerns, one of the bad ones I mean were you just want to get to the shooting part and then the shooting part got stale after a while. I found I just couldnt care for the story or characters in the end, maybe it was just to long winded of a game?
There was just to much walking around, open world games are cool because you are free practically but they have a tendency to get boring quite quickly, I lost all enthusiasim for the game riding around on horseback holding RT looking at the pretty graphics.
IDK maybe im the only one who felt this way about the game because everyone else loved it to death?
and GOTY is now judged by an "expert" pannel now instead of the community voting so if crysis 2 comes out and is a good game, even if it gets Game of the year which most people equate "BESTEST GAEM EVAR!" it wont change my view on it for better or for worse.