So Crytek when your done fixing this mess of a game, do you have plans for a mutliplayer expansion like Crysis Wars was to Crysis? Cause the way you abandoned your own style of game to copy the COD style is depressing and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. I was so excited for C2 I couldn't wait and then you dumped this COD with nano suit THING on us. I hate COD. But its not a total loss yet you have the power to redeem yourselves with the release of a multiplayer expansion THAT WOULD BE MORE LIKE CRYSIS WARS AND NOT CCCCOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD. Its up to you cause honestly, I can only play this THING for about an hour at most before I really just get bored with it. The reason why we like Crysis Wars was for the beautiful chaos and destruction one could bring with the tanks and vtols and heli's and **** man, BUT WHERE IS THAT ACTION NOW??? Nowhere to be found. Hopefully theres been enough crying that this game is too much like COD for you to get the drift and make your future work your own style instead of copying someone else's, hopefully...
sincerely, A very disappointed gamer