» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:41 am
your absolutely right man. I think i got this computer back in 07 or 08 something like that. i never was into PC gaming other then bejeweled. I have always been a console fan, just here lately and especially the differences between xobox360 and PC, i am just stunned by the lack of detail and graphics when i compare a 360 crysis game to that of a PC crysis game, plus with PC you can MOD and make new levels, weapons etc.
Earlier today i watched a vid on youtube of crysis 2 ran on the extreme option on a PC and i was literally blown away, i may have even got a tear in my eye, thats how beatiful it is;)A gamer can just stand there, not even play and bask in awe of the amazing graphics and environments the crysis 2 PC version has to offer. I decided you know what, the PC guys are right, the console guys are just missing out on so much, whereas before i just blew it off as the usual PC vrs console wars you see everywhere.So here i am with this old outdated good for nothing much PC ready to join the PC crowd. I love my 360 and always will, but i dont think i will ever look back if i had half the awesomeness you guys have in your PC's.
My plan is right now is i got about 300 bucks, so i can get a barebones tower, and slowly build up a machine capable of doing what can be done, and im just dying to check out the MOD tools available from crytek as well when you buy the game. So im guessing a good operating budget to get this game running on high to extreme option would be around $700-$1000 US dollars?
I am totally new to the scene of PC games and PC upgrading and dont know much of anything, so any advice would be appreciated on where to start and what is needed. I know how to plug in video cards, hard drives and all that, but as far as spec and techs go, thats where im fairly in unknown territory