Hi guys bassically i want a yes no answer perhaps with some light elaberation (but dont go overboard) ;]
ok, so heres what happend, in a nutshell, i hit rank 31 not so long ago and got another primary weapon unlock, after leaving the match later on and joining another empty server (always play ranked) to select a weapon to spend it on i was greeted with the constant burden of unlock re-setting and was set back to rank 30 (thus no unlock), frustations aside i played again for about a couple of hours and re-reached level 31, to my disapointment the unlock was not granted back to me, im almost rank 32 now and STILL NO UNLOCK...
so the question is: is it lost forever and when i reach level 50 will i have one weapon i can never get, meaning i will never achieve 100%, i really hope this isnt the case but i dont see any other way around what happend,
p.s, i should be at least rank 35-36 by now as i was reset to rank 17 multiple times, common crytek this is easily the most high priorety bug, just fix it already and give me the game i paid for, we expect better from you, your customer support is terrible, and your lack of patches that make notable changes is pathetic, stop treating the community that made you like crap, give us some priorety...
im losing intrest in this title which is a shame as i really want to like your game but i just cant take it seriously as a game or have any fun with it with the cheaters everywhere all the time and xp/level/unlock bug constantly pissing on my progress
any feedback appreciated, no arguments please, opinions are opinions theres not always a need to share the offencive ones...