» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:28 am
Nevermind with this thread. Their support was useless, kept telling me it was a EADM issue and the code I had was correct and would be functional in 24-48hrs. Told her the code I had was formatted different to a CD Key, and would not work anyway. I asked for a refund for Crysis 2 and DA2, and got this:
Crysis 2 ( Refund number 289853209 has been created for this transaction in the amount of $49.91 ) and Dragon Age II ( Refund number 289858209 has been created for this transaction in the amount of $62.35 )
Hey, I kinda like their customer support a little now.
I still play DA:O 5 hrs a week, haven't touched DA2 since I completed it the first time.
I got an off topic question for you all now. What should I play? Ive got no decent time fillers right now, what can I try?