Large Scale Battle Maps....

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:21 am

I am shocked to see crysis multiplayer maps supports only 12 player for multiplayer...

Squad based tactical maps are fun its for sure, but I think there should be other scenarios like conquest in which you will fight for lets say NY city againts 32 or more player team.

Ok its "nano suit" but every one needs tanks, helos , jeeps and drones to wage a war...

There is another game called homefront which also will be released in march focusing on large scale combat in with its revolutionary ideas , Crysis has the superior technology and game changing ideas but it will lose the lead if it lacks the standarts that other games offer.

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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am

Yup, it really is a disappointment. :(
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:05 pm

You can fight for NY City in Battlefield 3 apparantly in 64 player games with full destruction, so just get that when it comes out. I know I will.

Crytek is going for a tighter feel with this game and I dont have a problem with that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:24 am

Yeah , thats what I am talking about , you see I loved cod sp but multiplayer was tight.Battle field sp svcked but who cares about sp after you finish it? But I love battlefield conquest modes...

The point is nowadays fps games are seperated by the scale, why can't crysis give us both squad tactical maps and conquest game AND in addition to these give us the nanosuits!

That would be awesome and complex enough to forge infinite amount of micro and macro tactics!
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 pm

Yeah , thats what I am talking about , you see I loved cod sp but multiplayer was tight.Battle field sp svcked but who cares about sp after you finish it? But I love battlefield conquest modes...

The point is nowadays fps games are seperated by the scale, why can't crysis give us both squad tactical maps and conquest game AND in addition to these give us the nanosuits!

That would be awesome and complex enough to forge infinite amount of micro and macro tactics!

Quite a few reasons why we dont tend to get both.

1. It splits the community. By having one type of either tight or large maps, you are getting everyone who likes that together in the playlist. You split the community by having a mix all in one playlist.

2. You tend to get less of the same types of maps. You could have 10 small maps that you like, or 5 small maps and 5 big maps- or which 5 you dont even like.

It makes sense and if you really dig big maps and dont like what the devs are going with, then look for a game that suits you tastes.
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Timara White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:18 am

Nope. I always disliked tanks and such. It's not nice having a grenade, a pistol and an assault rifle against a heavily armored tank. Nor is it fun to rush to the tank/chopper spawn to take out just that one tank. RPGs you say? Those will mostly be used as means to "tube" infantry. There, another bad thing.

No. Crysis 2 has a more direct focus on combat and fighting scenarios. It's much, much, much more tactical and it's much more tactical in a direct firefight than most other games out there. It's not just run 'n' gun. Though, it provides the environment to do that as well, if you want to.

Large scale maps with tanks and choppers and whatnot wouldn't fit the urban environment, for one and for two, it just wouldn't be fun. It's just not what this game, from the multiplayer perspective, is about. It just isn't. And I hate seeing people think they know better. They don't. The Crytek UK guys made a deliberate design choice and that choice was made based on much more than just some guy's opinion on something.

This is how Crysis 2 is being designed. This is how it's going to stay. No matter what you think. No matter how many threads you guys keep making about this. They just know better. They know that something along those lines wouldn't work and that's the end of it. More importantly, they know that that's not something that the game they're making is about.

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stacy hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:31 am

You mean Powerstruggle?

The number of people who do like large-scale battles outnumber the people who don't like large scale battles. This is a fact derived from the link I provided.

I want to see large-scale vehicular combat come back in Crysis 2. And so do, apparently, a large number of other people as well.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:19 pm

Lol, Crysis had both large scale and small scale maps.

It is okay to cater to both audiences, you know? Sometimes I enjoyed the tight gameplay and other times I wanted an all-out war.

Now that in Crysis 2 they essentially threw away their most hardcoe audience. If you don't like large scale maps then you get the smaller maps. Boot up Crysis Wars today and tell me how many populated servers you see that aren't running on a large scale map? The most fanatic and hardcoe audience of Crysis is being completely disregarded in Crysis 2 and that is flat out disgusting.

Crysis 1 catered to both styles, nobody forced you guys to play on Mesa when other maps like Frost were widely available to play in.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:31 pm

Crysis 1 large scale battle = VTOL spamming amirite?
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:37 am

Crysis 1 large scale battle = VTOL spamming amirite?

No, you are not right. When is the last time you played Crysis Wars? Most servers have raised the price of Vtols exponentially for well over a year now, to the point where they are a rarity to see.

Besides, the VTol problem was easy to fix: add lockon rockets or get a damn Gauss Tank and blast them out of the sky (easy meat). The players incompetence to get a single Gauss Tank or AA gun to blast the aircraft out of the sky was not the fault of the game. Sure, the rocket launcher needed fixes but there were many methods to take them out.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:05 am

We're not going to get it unless they possibly loosen up and give us more control over the servers files for hosting our own servers.

If they do that, we can possibly see *hopefully* free DLC content that contains Power Struggle and whatever else you can think of for a war

Btw, I don't have high hopes for Homefront Multiplayer for PC for several reasons.

1. It's ported
2. They "might" give the PC users mod tools depending on the outcome of sales
3. It's ported
4. They promise too much for the PC version to the point where they keep saying "after the game is released, we'll put this and that in"
5. It's ported
6. The more kills you get, the more awareness the other team gets of you. So it's impossible for a real pro in the game to get constant kills. That means the newbs/noobs doesn't need to get better when it comes to this game. They've basically dumbed it down for an 11 year old to play while this game is obviously Rated M. Only cheap players need an awareness of where the enemies are. That doesn't count when it comes to games with UAV.
7. It's ported
8. They don't even have hardcoe mode in the game
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:23 pm

Nope. I always disliked tanks and such. It's not nice having a grenade, a pistol and an assault rifle against a heavily armored tank. Nor is it fun to rush to the tank/chopper spawn to take out just that one tank. RPGs you say? Those will mostly be used as means to "tube" infantry. There, another bad thing.

No. Crysis 2 has a more direct focus on combat and fighting scenarios. It's much, much, much more tactical and it's much more tactical in a direct firefight than most other games out there. It's not just run 'n' gun. Though, it provides the environment to do that as well, if you want to.

Large scale maps with tanks and choppers and whatnot wouldn't fit the urban environment, for one and for two, it just wouldn't be fun. It's just not what this game, from the multiplayer perspective, is about. It just isn't. And I hate seeing people think they know better. They don't. The Crytek UK guys made a deliberate design choice and that choice was made based on much more than just some guy's opinion on something.

This is how Crysis 2 is being designed. This is how it's going to stay. No matter what you think. No matter how many threads you guys keep making about this. They just know better. They know that something along those lines wouldn't work and that's the end of it. More importantly, they know that that's not something that the game they're making is about.


Ice its not an argument btw you and me but I couldn't resist to say that if the dev team has a low I/Q like you they will not include what the majority play and limit their game to an tighter playerbase...This game meant to push the limits...

There is another dirty idea suggesting that they will release an expansion pack to include large scale battles and pinch the dollars out of our pockets...

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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:40 am

8. They don't even have hardcoe mode in the game

Oh thats svcks... So all hopes in BF3?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:45 am

Crysis will work better this way. The mp in c1 was an admitted failure. I still want to see large maps though, and custom ones at that.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:27 am

8. They don't even have hardcoe mode in the game

Oh thats svcks... So all hopes in BF3?

If you truly want a hardcoe war experience, homefront is not going to be the game to do it.

BF3 can quite possibly be the last game for this year for players to have high hopes for a truly amazing hardcoe experience
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 am

would you pay for a dlc that added powerstruggle? Do they even make dlc like that?...add an entire multiplayer category? Or is that more of an expansion type deal? Either way i'd pay it up son!
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 am

I dont really think that Crysis 2 needs tanks and choppers or whatever. But one thing I really feel that it lacks, is the sense of a large scale battle.
I love when you rush around, hearing explosions going of, gunfire and people scream. This was something i thought was great in for example Medal of Honor.
I hope some of the maps give this feeling.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:02 am

C2 is aiming to be a tight, tactical, small shooter. Games don't have to have 32+ players to be hardcoe, and just because this game is 12 player max doesn't mean that it is trying to be COD. I personally am getting this and battlefield 3 so I can have both of my niches.
-DON'T say its sad, because it isn't. I'm sure Crysis 2 will blow us all away and will be great. The 6v6 will be AMAZING with clans, think of the last time you saw an organized 16v16 clanwar.(and if you WERE in one, was it enjoyable or tactical at all?)
-I also realize that games with large capacities can make 6v6 servers, but their maps are never designed well for them.
C2 looks really smooth and fun, with all of the superpowers I wouldn't want huge battles. The maps look insane and I know that the guys here at Crytek took a TON of time trying to perfect the gameplay.
-If you have seen all of their interviews, you would know that they had the capability to make large scale warfare, but it didn't flow well with the maps and guns that they planned on using.

Always remember: Shame to the piRATes!
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SWagg KId
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

crysis 2 forces you to work as a team and not run around blindly shooting like a noob and then dying...
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Bee Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:16 pm

C2 is aiming to be a tight, tactical, small shooter. Games don't have to have 32+ players to be hardcoe, and just because this game is 12 player max doesn't mean that it is trying to be COD. I personally am getting this and battlefield 3 so I can have both of my niches.
-DON'T say its sad, because it isn't. I'm sure Crysis 2 will blow us all away and will be great. The 6v6 will be AMAZING with clans, think of the last time you saw an organized 16v16 clanwar.(and if you WERE in one, was it enjoyable or tactical at all?)
-I also realize that games with large capacities can make 6v6 servers, but their maps are never designed well for them.
C2 looks really smooth and fun, with all of the superpowers I wouldn't want huge battles. The maps look insane and I know that the guys here at Crytek took a TON of time trying to perfect the gameplay.
-If you have seen all of their interviews, you would know that they had the capability to make large scale warfare, but it didn't flow well with the maps and guns that they planned on using.

Always remember: Shame to the piRATes!

Crysis 1 also had several maps that catered to the small 6v6 type atmosphere. I can name off Refinery as the most popular small based map out there.

6v6 is quite sad because it's not what the Crysis franchise is known for. Many of us loved the wide open and expansive maps with 32 players, and some others loved the smaller maps that catered to 12 or even only 6 players. Crysis was great because it allowed its fans to play either type of style whenever and wherever they wanted to.

Crysis MP was only a failure due to lack of support and a lack of gamemodes. The core gameplay was actually quite a success and only very little needed to be changed. This complete radical change is tearing apart what was such a once awesome core gameplay experience.

The game itself didn't have any issues, it just needed more time and more support and it would have been quite popular. Unfortunately Crysis 2 is the opposite. It has plenty of time and content and hopefully better support, but it's core experience is completely lacking and that's why this game is turning into a CoD type generic game with no flesh underneath the skin.
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