Yes, although not as much these days.
Because of the server browser not showing people in servers that haven't started (ie it wont show 1/16,2/16,3/16 if the server hasn't started), its difficult to start new servers. Try too add everyone you do see with <100ping in aus servers to your friends list. Once you get 4 people in a server, it will fill before that round has ended guaranteed. Otherwise you'll be stuck playing some IA pro server.
Also press info on all empty servers you see, sometimes you'll find one or two people waiting in servers hoping to start them. Join, add them, and talk to them too see if they have anyone else online, or want to join another server with 1/2 people in it. (Just tell them to wait a minute or so while you go looking for more stragglers, and to invite you if someone else joins their server.)
Some sorta out of game chat system will help you find other players and start them (like xfire).
Basically most players are waiting at the server browser screen for a game to show up with players in it. On a hunch me and 3 others spent a night just starting servers up, letting them fill, then leaving and doing it again. We ended the night with 5 TIA, 6 crash site and a 16p assault server all full. Aus players are out there, just too lazy to start servers themselves.