Is Crysis 2 Multiplayer Supposed to Have Texture Pop-In?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:55 pm

I was just playing Crysis 2 multiplayer and noticed that there is a lot of texture pop-in(ala Crysis 1), and I wasn't sure if I noticed it before or not. I was wondering if this is normal for everybody. I played some singleplayer to test it out and noticed a little pop-in, but not as much as mp. However, before when I played sp I never really noticed much. As a matter of fact several of my games have been showing pop in. It seems that when I first get a game there is no pop in, or there doesn't appear to be, and after a while I notice a lot. The games where pop-in is strong are Cryis and Warhead, Far Cry 2, Mafia II, a little in Half Life 2(never noticed any at all in HL2 years ago), and now Crysis 2 mp. I was wondering if everybody has pop-in in these games and if that is just how they are made. Nothing I can do seems to remove pop-in, so if anybody can help that would be great.

System Specs:

AMD Athlon II X4 640 3ghz
Win 7 64-bit
4 gb ram ddr3 1333
EVGA GTX 460 se oc'd(800/1600/3700)
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

That problem is happening for everyone. Crytek broke some of the LOD variables with patch 1.4, and now they're locked at the lowest settings now matter what you set your graphics to.
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:08 am

Pop in objects/textures are annoying. I hope it gets fixed in next patch.
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lacy lake
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:32 am

I see....yeah I think that texture pop-in really ruins the immersion while playing...I've recently switched from doing a lot of my gaming on consoles to PC mainly because I find current gen consoles(360, ps3) are starting to show their age after 5 years and PCs are always in the cutting edge. However, although my games run great, texture pop-in is still a major concern. Perhaps not as bad on PC as it is on consoles, but its time that these developers wake up and realize that just because the graphics are cutting edge, if it comes at the cost of poor draw distance, there is no point. I just hope that it is not someting with my system memory that causes horrendous pop-in?
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