1920x1200 is a crappy resolution designed to maintain compatibility with oldstuff 1600x1200. It did make sense 10 years ago, where many games were still 4:3. But nowadays its pointless, and even more, todays games are made for consoles aka TV resolution, so most of the time these extra lines will be unused, producing nice black bars top/bottom. Or making a picture distortion, if said game is not supporting anything but 720p/1080p. Its just as bad as 1366x768. Who makes this stuff.
It's a good thing that today's games are NOT made for TV resolutions.
NONE of the time are there black bars at the top or bottom. Someone has been lying to you.
So far every current game I do supports 1920 x 1200 natively. You have to have the right hardware for the game to let you use it. My 1920 x 1200 DeLL Ultrasharp monitor is brand new. NOT old stuff. Check out the new 30" 2011 model. Wish I had one of those. 2560 x 1600 resolution for great 16 : 10 viewing.
Sad that the console players are forced to use only 1920 x 1080. They will never know the fabulous gameplay of multi monitor viewing as in 5760 x 1200 resolution (or more).
Also interesting is that some console games allow only the 720 res while the PC version
of the same game allows for 1920 x 1200 resolution and higher. You see, Dvsdv, PC game versions are specially coded for far greater resolutions and graphic details that consoles, due to their weak graphics capabilities and weak computing capabilities can never do.
Is that a typo in your post perhaps? Did you mean to say 1600x1200 at the start of your post perhaps?