Crytek released unfinished game. Crytek spend 3.5 years for Crysis2. But it's buggy game. Broken AI, some critical bugs, many small bugs. No advanced option, no cheat protection, etc. And late & half-finished patches. They didn't fix even critical problems yet. Crymod is broken, too. Still no download. WTF!? + There are some critical technical problems. Where are Crysis patches? Crytek deleted patches from gamesas. Crytek release DLC without repairing critical problems. And it's $10? Simple custom map is $10? ... Are you joking? Poor promotion, broken MP demo, unfinished product, many bug remaining, $10 DLC, poor user support, poor payment method, broken forum... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! what's next? Unbelievable situation.
I can't feel faith and enthusiasm from current Crytek at all.
No consistency, no calculatedness like kindergartener.
I'm very very very very very very very sad. I'm one of the most earnest Crytek fan in the world. I supported (supporting) you eagerly from 2004, I made map site, I made fan site. I offered (offering) information to many people for Crytek. But... what is this? What is current Crytek? Very very disappointing. Current Crytek is worse than amateur, worse than mod team. I can praise you only in editor. Crytek lost trust, reputation & sales. Crytek will lose trust & reputation day by day. It's very difficult to restore them. I'm crying...
Unbelievable... bad. I can't believe.
Crytek is breaking their confidence by themselves.
Crytek took 8 years to make it. They destroyed it in two months.