» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 am
There is nothing wrong with speedhack/wallhack/modifing weapons and mods. I dont really care since im playing C2 on xbox but mods arent illigal or anything. And im pretty sure that you can just use no clip from the console. Also modders are not "idiots". If they want to make mods and cheat through the game, then let it be their choice, not yours. Cheating is cheating and its not a big deal unless it affects you personally.
The problem you obviously have is you cannot play the game whatever it may be ? so you feel the need to have a secondary proggy to help you overpower the enemy, in other words, if you use a hack your a no gd cheating hacking twat that cant play/shouldnt play, and would quite quickly get banned.
So unless you are an incompitent gamer who cannot score, why would you support hacking/cheating in any way, after all it has been said, all software has a eula, and you agree to it,?
Hacking at every level affects us all, and if you were gaming with a hack, and someone with a better hack owned you, you would be well pissed of about it, as you believe yrself its no big deal unless it affects you, and that would affect you, infact with such a childish statement, i suspect you would smash the crap out of your eggbox,