Dunno what you're reading but it's quite clearly stated on: http://mycryengine.com/
? Game Licenses
Game Development licenses are available to established games studios. We do not issue engine licenses to individuals, nor do we provide the engine for non-commerical purposes, such as Mod Teams, via this site. For information about obtaining the Mod SDK please visit our website at http://www.crymod.com.
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? Simulation License
Simulation licenses are available to companies who wish to work with our cutting edge technology in areas outside of the traditional realm of game development. These include companies working in commercial training, medical imaging and interactive simulations.
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? Educational License
The CryENGINE? 3 Educational License is available to educators wanting to ensure that their students gain experience with the state-of-the-art in game development and real-time 3D technology. For courses and research projects in game development, 3D graphics, simulation, architecture, animation, film and design, CryENGINE? 3 is the most up-to-date technology available and is now FREE.
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? Visualization License
Visualization licenses are available to companies working in offline visualizations, such as special effects and video production companies, architectural and engineering companies looking for an interactive product for visualizing their concepts in real time.
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