Will Crysis 2 support 1080p ? (console versions)

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:23 am

The Crysis 2 Xbox 360 beta ran at 1152x720. There are about 2 console games run at full HD and they're downloadable ones. It's better to play consoles on HD ready 720p screens rather that 1080p full HD in my experience.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 am

I feel sorry for the console gamers... they don't know what they are missing out when it comes to graphics.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 pm

Mainly because the publishers lie to them stormchazer. Many truly believe they're playing games in 1080p!

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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:57 pm

I feel sorry for the console gamers... they don't know what they are missing out when it comes to graphics.

i feel sorry for you if you think that graphics make a game....better graphics does not mean better game....i am going to take the same experience from my console with you pc guys and you can not deny that..i am sick this generation that everyone talks about graphics graphics graphics...and for the record i am buying crysis 2 not for the graphics but for the awesome gameplay that it has.....there was some time when a great game meant great story and gameplay but today it is all about graphics for some people....
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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:01 am

I feel sorry for the console gamers... they don't know what they are missing out when it comes to graphics.

i feel sorry for you if you think that graphics make a game....better graphics does not mean better game....i am going to take the same experience from my console with you pc guys and you can not deny that..i am sick this generation that everyone talks about graphics graphics graphics...and for the record i am buying crysis 2 not for the graphics but for the awesome gameplay that it has.....there was some time when a great game meant great story and gameplay but today it is all about graphics for some people....

Graphics don't make a game, but you'd have to be blind to say they don't help with immersion. Pretty sure you'd be struggling to get into the story of crysis 2 if it was on the ps1 :)

Yes, yes you would ^^ because like it or not, console players are just as affected by good/bad graphics as anyone else. Otherwise the ps3/360 community wouldn't be so snobby about the wii, hmph, console elitists (hehe).

Also, if the game is good all round, then better graphics (or, in the case of crysis 2, mind blowingly better graphics) make the game better :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 pm

No console runs games in real 1080.... its all stretched and upscaled. only PC will give you true 1080p
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:20 am

No console runs games in real 1080.... its all stretched and upscaled. only PC will give you true 1080p

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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm

I feel sorry for the console gamers... they don't know what they are missing out when it comes to graphics.

i feel sorry for you if you think that graphics make a game....better graphics does not mean better game....i am going to take the same experience from my console with you pc guys and you can not deny that..i am sick this generation that everyone talks about graphics graphics graphics...and for the record i am buying crysis 2 not for the graphics but for the awesome gameplay that it has.....there was some time when a great game meant great story and gameplay but today it is all about graphics for some people....

Graphics don't make a game, but you'd have to be blind to say they don't help with immersion. Pretty sure you'd be struggling to get into the story of crysis 2 if it was on the ps1 :)

Yes, yes you would ^^ because like it or not, console players are just as affected by good/bad graphics as anyone else. Otherwise the ps3/360 community wouldn't be so snobby about the wii, hmph, console elitists (hehe).

Also, if the game is good all round, then better graphics (or, in the case of crysis 2, mind blowingly better graphics) make the game better :D

You are right, graphics do not make a game. However, running all my games at 60fps or more without lag and having the responsiveness and accuracy of the mouse and keyboard does make a game that much more enjoyable. Graphics are just an additional treat to be enjoyed mostly in Singleplayer for the immersion effect, and benchmarks.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:27 am

For you console gamers out there, even though it may not seem relevant, look at some PC benchmarks of some various games at different resolutions. Once you start pushing that 1920x1080 and up, it really gives even the best of GPU's a workout.
Most triple-A titles such as Halo or Call of Duty do not even run in 720p. For example, Halo 3 ran at a resolution of 1152×640. And According to Digital Battle (A website) Even Halo Reach is not running at 720p natively. It's pushing a resolution of 1232x640 (Almost 720p, but not quite). The consoles use some clever upscaling tech to make the resolutions look better than they are.
Here are some other facts:
-According to PC and Video Games, Modern Warfare 2 for the PS3 ran at 1040x600 with x2 Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing
-Also, according to Digital Foundry, "the PS3 version of Treyarch's [Black Ops] shooter has been reduced to 960x544, albeit it with 2X MSAA."
-Contrary to popular belief, a PSX Extreme review reveals that Metal Gear Solid 4 actually runs at an interesting resolution of 1024x768 (Old School!)
-As far as I could research, it seems as though Killzone 2 does indeed truly render (Not "support", but render) at 1280x720.
So you must be asking, why do some games run at such a low resolution? Most of it has to do with the amount of Video RAM a GPU packs in it. Yes, the Cell processor in the PS3 can help with things such as Anti-Aliasing and upscaling, but the GPU really is on it's own when it comes to pushing the base resolution. The RSX "Reality Synthesizer" (Modified 7800 GT) That is in the PS3 has only 256 Megabytes of DDR3 VRAM, and is also on the dated Pixel Pipeline architecture, so it really has to freakin' work to push out 720p. Even my GTX 570 that has 1.2GB of DDR5 Video Ram sometimes has it's work cut out for it when its running BFBC2 or Crysis at 1080p. Food for thought.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:30 am

Apparently the PS3 version runs at 1280x704 (probably uses the AA trick to reconstruct to 1280x720 using AA information) and the 360 version renders at 1280x720 (or 1152x720 or something like that).

HDTV's are made to scale images at 720p to 1080p so you probably won't see a huge loss of quality - especially if you aren't sitting 2 feet away from your tv (like you would be for a computer monitor).

It's pretty remarkable that Crytek have managed to make the game render at these resolutions, considering that from what I've seen, the game looks absolutely stunning on consoles.

On a side note, anyone else bugged by the temporal AA in the 360 demo? (basically blends the current frame with the previous one to get rid of jagged edges).
I didn't really notice it until I saw the ghosting on the windmill things on skyline. Now I can't unsee it :|
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 am

console gamers... regardless what you WANT to believe, your hardware just cannot handle crysis 2 the way you want it to, I'm not knocking you it just boils down to your hardware being to lame thats all.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:59 am

its 720p and your lucky your getting that resolution, 1080p is twice the resolution of 720p and most console games don't even run in true 720p more like 600-640p. sure crysis could run in 1080p on console's but the frame rate would svck ass and you would have to dumb the graphics down so much that 720p graphics would look twice as good and run twice as well!, on console hardware to get a game like crysis 2 in 1080p you will have to start trading graphics for resolution and thats not what crytek wants.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:02 am

Most involved, graphics-wise, console games are not able to be rendered at true 1080p and still maintain a decent (if even playable) framerate. They are rendered at lower resolution and upscaled. This isn't new folks, Crysis 2 isn't "lacking" anything in this department that any other current-gen FPS has.

However, SOME games do in fact run at true 1080p on Xbox 360 and PS3. Having and Xbox myself (in addition to a PC for gaming) I know of a few: Geometry Wars 2, Perfect Dark (LIVE Arcade remake), the Banjo games, and many other LIVE Arcade titles (Boogie Bunnies :P)

So, the consoles CAN support true 1080p, contradictory to several statements posted, but most games opt to upscale, usually in new-gen games for reasons of performance.

Consoles are old hardware, it's silly to expect them to compare to a brand new gaming PC in terms of power.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:50 am

crytek choose to run the game in 720p on PS3 because anybody with half brain knows PS3 has games that run in full hd natively!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am


Even the newest gaming PCs will hardly deliver over 36 Fps on Crysis 2 running at Full HD you noob.
Your brain got svcked away by sonys overadvertisemant. Its not a wondercube.. its a piece of old limited tech and
Crysis 2 will keep its capabillities maxed out on 720P. I hope for the sake of god that someone will be able to adjust the configs for the ps3 version.. so you fanboys will see your consoles get burned from the inside...

Full HD on consoles?

Yeah Pacman HD! muha
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