I feel sorry for the console gamers... they don't know what they are missing out when it comes to graphics.
i feel sorry for you if you think that graphics make a game....better graphics does not mean better game....i am going to take the same experience from my console with you pc guys and you can not deny that..i am sick this generation that everyone talks about graphics graphics graphics...and for the record i am buying crysis 2 not for the graphics but for the awesome gameplay that it has.....there was some time when a great game meant great story and gameplay but today it is all about graphics for some people....
Graphics don't make a game, but you'd have to be blind to say they don't help with immersion. Pretty sure you'd be struggling to get into the story of crysis 2 if it was on the ps1

Yes, yes you would ^^ because like it or not, console players are just as affected by good/bad graphics as anyone else. Otherwise the ps3/360 community wouldn't be so snobby about the wii, hmph, console elitists (hehe).
Also, if the game is good all round, then better graphics (or, in the case of crysis 2, mind blowingly better graphics) make the game better

You are right, graphics do not make a game. However, running all my games at 60fps or more without lag and having the responsiveness and accuracy of the mouse and keyboard does make a game that much more enjoyable. Graphics are just an additional treat to be enjoyed mostly in Singleplayer for the immersion effect, and benchmarks.