Just enjoy the game

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 pm

I don't understand why so much hate and anger directed at Crytek. For me the game works fine on Vista and has never crashed. The energy spent typing out all your anger and hate is probably better used in figuring out why your game is not working than blaming Crytek for everything.

If you are not having fun with the game then don't play it. If you are having fun like me then have fun and stop complaining about issues that don't exist. If you have a problem with a cheater just vote kick them or move to another server it's simple.

Stop making mountains out of mole hills. The game is not perfect but it is a fun experience. Enjoy it for what it is. When the SDK comes out in August there will be cool mods for it next year.
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jess hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:22 pm

And Vista didnt crash?, Man you r lucky :D

The game is not perfect but it is a fun experience. Enjoy it for what it is.

Agreed. I got a bit upset with the dlc, but i just didnt buy it, no biggie.
I still didnt play terminal EVER, and im lvl 47.
Dont need new maps, and can wait for the fix.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:02 am

It's the same for any forum, people will act like total pricks if they have free expression and anonymity. I agree with your sentiments, the number of people who have been whining like 5 year old girls for the last two months on here is amazing. If they hate the game so much just throw it in the bin and move on. So you lose £30, mark it down as a lesson learned and get on with your life.

The game certainly wasn't perfect on release but most issues have been fixed and it remains one of the best games so far this year.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:54 am

lawl. do you really think anyone will give a **** about this game next year? I stopped giving a **** in the first month it was released, precisely bc i know it will NEVER, read NEVER be the game it was supposed to be after the way it was launched. maybe it works now, I wouldnt know, bc I stopped playing it .

why does the whole crysis 2 experience piss me off? Bc i really wanted to like this game. The mp community could have been as large and competitive as COD franchise. instead it gets released as the most bugged PC game in the last 10 years, with a big **** to PC gamers attached, no exaggeration.

crytek just didn't care about the product, it's reception, or the future of their company. had they delayed the release until it worked there would be 10 times more players online right now.

what's really bothersome is the fact that today in 2011 gamers have become accustomed to games not working when released. there is no other industry you can point to where products are released that dont work as advertised when you get them and yet ppl STILL sing the praises and buy DLC.

Is it so much to ask that a game gets worked on until it is POLISHED and the studio sits back and says "i'm proud of this finished product"? Would you be proud of Crysis 2 the way it was released?

DLC is laughable, are you kidding me? If they expect me to pay them again for anything they must be on some powerful drugs. the DLC should be free as in "sorry for not doing our jobs".

This game is a failure of epic proportions every way you look at it.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:09 am

lawl. do you really think anyone will give a **** about this game next year? I stopped giving a **** in the first month it was released...

If you don't give a **** why do you are still here and why you post about this game on this forum? For me you and your logic is full of crap, because your actions are completely opposite to someone who don't give a **** about game and don't believe that game can become better. Basically you still give a **** about this game or you are just dummy troll slash hater who is killing his boredom.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:23 am

people who like the game are playing on sevrers and don t read this forum or another one, except some guys like me who have some time to kill at work :D
On a game forum, you ll allways found guys with config problem, and hateboys crying about anything...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:30 am


Besides, this is the best FPS released this year so far!
There isn't a perfect game.
You can complain about the Crytek support but can't complain about the game.

The connection and lag problems are related with bad internet connection, computer and NOT with the game itself.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:02 am

Its a good game, yes but the aa needs to be fixed and the in game settings need to be added and there has to be texture and dx11 patched, which it will. Those are the standards for pc games, and crytek knows it, we can't let them off so easily, yet we know they can if they want future sales to be good.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

i will enjoy the game as soon as i stop falling through the map.
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Anna S
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