So disappointed that you chose to go the Activision route in treating the PS3 community like they're second class citizens... I'm done. You're not getting any of my money and any PS3 user who loves the platform should do the same and show these companies that they shouldn't treat gamers in this manner and instead show them and their preferred platform some god damn respect.
I just canceled my pre-order.
Maybe you shouldn't get in a huff about developers being limited by your obsolete hunk of scrap, and instead thank Crytek for the engineering marvel that is the job of making Cryengine light enough to run on your oversized iphone.
Any PS3 user who loves the platform so much as to forget that the games are what make the platform matter is a neurotic fanboy anyway. The platform is there to enable you to play the games that the developers make for you. If they get limited by the junk you use, thank them for going the extra mile to optimize the engine to run on a cracker jack box to begin with.