These questions are mainly for Crytek/EA.
Where is the PC footage?
If there is none (Which I don't think there is), then WHY isn't there any PC footage?
Did it ever occur to you that your marketing plan involves screwing over your largest and oldest Crysis fanbase?
How's about I make a LIST of the various mistakes you have made. Here you go:
- There have been 3 official builds of Crysis 2 released (Demos/pre-alpha). ALL of them run on the Xbox 360. TWO of them were Xbox 360 EXCLUSIVE. One of them runs on the PC (And the Xbox...)
- I don't know if it's intentional or just a coincidence, but have you noticed that EVERYTHING Crytek and EA have ever said about Crysis 2 mentions the Xbox 360 FIRST? It's always like this: "Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC".
I may be nit-picking here, but it jumps out seeing as the marketing follows the same way. Xbox 360 got the demos first. Xbox 360 has the most footage, PS3 second, PC third. And it isn't like that with BF3.
- Suit modes were removed, possibly because of the amount of buttons on a gamepad. Not a BIG deal, but I did enjoy having strength and speed mode in Crysis 1.
- Releasing footage in 720p ALWAYS. This may or may not be related to consoles (Probably not because other console games like BF3 have 1080p trailers). It is no surprise that you didn't win an E3 "Best Graphics" award when you make your tech demo on a console in relatively low resolution.
PM me if necessary, Crytek. I would just really love to know what goes on in that twisted office of yours.