Xbox 360 gets yet another demo.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:43 pm

Anyways PC will probably has less bugs than consoles :)

I Hope.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:01 pm

1. Correct me if this sounds wrong, but I'm guessing that they used the telemetry from both of the Xbox 360 betas (one of which was pretty exclusive) to make assumptions as to what they generally need to fix on the PS3 and more importantly, the PC version. I'm saying this because the PC community is a picky one (or it has higher standards depending on your level of disillusionment) and Crytek probably wants to release a more recent and polished demo for them to make a good impression.

2. The reason that there's so much Xbox 360 footage is probably to keep in good standing with the community despite being a tester for their more unrefined demos, and to assure them that what they recently played (which was fun, it just had some problems) isn't what they should expect.

3. You guys (PC and PS3 community) are busy flipping **** while Crytek is probably trying their hardest to build up suspense for your demos and positively surprise you.

*(1,2, and 3 are all different points, feel free to agree/disagree with any one or more of them)

1. You're wrong in that many of the problems with the Xbox 360 demo were with Xbox Live and its **** infrastructure. PC is going to have dedicated servers and its own host of problems.

2. The problem with your thinking is that being a "tester" is something that people from all platforms want to do. Also, why isn't testing being done on all platforms?

3. You mean the suspense they killed by having PC and Playstation 3 owners sit on the sidelines to watch as Xbox 360 owners had fun with the demo? Yeah, great suspense there! We're getting the same damn demo as the Xbox 360 but with an extra map, which they'll also be getting.

It has been pretty obvious that the Xbox 360 is the lead platform in this supposed "multi-platform" game, but now the Xbox 360 users get another demo which will launch on the same day as the PC demo. That's real nice. As if the exclusive beta and demo weren't enough, the Xbox 360 gets another demo at the same time as the PC. PC fans had to fight tooth and nail to get a demo. After silence, then an announcement (with no date), then finally a date, the PC gets it. However, the Xbox 360 gets an announcement shortly after with date immediately shown as well. The Playstation 3 users get an announcement of a demo but no date in sight.

Thank you Crytek and EA for taking a massive dump on your fanbase.

Absurd ! The native platform of Crysis 2 has and will always be PC. PC fans didnt need to fight for a demo, the demo was going to come regardless. The reason WHY Xbox is getting another take at the demo is because the first release had major issues.

The reason why there is so much emphasis on Xbox it is for market reasons $$$$$$$, as it is not needed with PC as the PC followers of Crysis are the majority out of all platforms.

Ever stop to think why the Xbox 360 got the demo first? The PC demo will undoubtedly have problems. Will they be releasing another PC demo with fixes? As for your little market assessment. Would the platform with the largest fanbase be the priority since they want to retain millions of sales? The reason is simply that Microsoft is paying Crytek/EA to do this. In other words, they're selling out.

Im sorry, but did you read the first post i made? it was perfectly in context, i just used the demo as an example because thats what you were biching about.

And since im on this topic, im just going to say that fans, EVERYWHERE have this strange possessiveness over the franchises they support. You assume that because you've been playing the game before everybode else your opinion is more valid than the people making the game itself, who probably have a far more intimate knowledge of thiere game, how to market it and how to make the most money. You are all retarded if you truly think that pc is where all the money is. This is how you prioritise if you want to make MONEY. It goes xbox, ps3 THEN pc. Simple economics. ( i know i sounded kinda crazy there, but thats been bugging me for a while)

Oh and what the last guy said too.

No, your post missed the point entirely. As for possessiveness, it's really damn obvious that Crysis 2 is going to be less of a game than the original. You don't have to be the developers to know that. Hell, being a developer gives you a bias. Funny that you call us retarded when you list the "priority of making money" with the Playstation 3 above the PC and yet the PC is getting the demo before the Playstation 3. Explain that, Einstein. The truth is that if Crysis 2 sells the most on the Xbox 360, it's because Crytek/EA advertised almost exclusively to them and ignored the PC most of the time. The original Crysis sold more than three million copies WITHOUT proper advertisemant. I don't even recall a single TV advertisemant. Games like Halo 3 have half their budget dedicated to advertisemant.

awesome interactivity???? I have to know now.

Duke Nukem Forever features loads of interactivity such as a drawing board that you can write on with markers and erase, a fully-functional pinball machine, a microwave that lets you cook things (e.g. you can put a rat in there, turn the microwave on, and watch it explode), urinals and toilets you can piss in, vending machines, and much more. The attention to detail is astounding.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:57 pm

All i know, is console players tell PC players to always stop complaining about everything (ie: PC players are complaining about max players, game modes, mod tools, etc. but the console players are like OMG ITS STILL AMAZING STOP COMPLAINING U DONT NEED MODTOOLS/MOAR PLAYERS 6V6 IS STRATEGIC

But then when a superior version of a game is on PC, and the crappier version is on consoles (see: Bf3) you have the same console douches posting on forums about how OMG WHY DOESNT XBOX HAVE 64 MAN SERVERS LIKE PC, PLEASE RAISE PLAYER COUNT GUYZ OUR CONSOLE CAN HANDLE IT.

Irony. These kids just dont understand.

There is a good reason why PC players would "seem" to portray ourselves like this is because we have been spoiled :-D

To put it bluntly, PC will always deliver better play and better graphics than any console. I cant wait for the day when consoles and PC can play on the same server. Console players would be migrating to console servers only.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:20 pm

Ever stop to think why the Xbox 360 got the demo first? The PC demo will undoubtedly have problems. Will they be releasing another PC demo with fixes? As for your little market assessment. Would the platform with the largest fanbase be the priority since they want to retain millions of sales? The reason is simply that Microsoft is paying Crytek/EA to do this. In other words, they're selling out.

You answered the reason with your last statement. You should have picked that up when I wrote "$$$$$$$$" pretty much all you were doing is echoing what I stated but in different colors

Crytek has a strong PC following. PC is their insurance if Xbox fails. We are not missing anything at all from Xbox.

I have the Xbox and PS3, and will play Crysis on them both, of course after I have maxed out in rank :-D and will give reveiws sometime down the line.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:38 pm

Yes, do not try to isolate this as though I'm angry at the Xbox 360 getting the demo. I'm angry because of these reasons:

- Crysis 2 is announced for all platforms even though Cevat Yerli claimed that Crysis is impossible on consoles.
- Directly contradicting what he said earlier, Cevat claims that Crysis 2 will not be downgraded from the original because of consoles.
- What we find is that Crysis 2's controls are modelled completely around the Xbox 360 controller. Now the suit automatically enables certain modes and features such as prone, lean, and the grenade button are either removed completely or, in the case of lean, is only available in single-player as an automatic feature.
- Cevat's original words rang true as Crysis 2's levels are smaller and more cramped. There are few fewer physics objects. Trees still break, but there are so few of them and they are so small that it doesn't matter. However, Cevat still claims that Crysis 2 has not been affected much by consoles, even though the game is moved to a radically different setting, the story jumps three years, and the removals and restrictions mentioned above were made.
- All footage is shown from the Xbox 360 until about a month before release.
- The Xbox 360 gets an exclusive beta, then an exclusive demo. The PC finally gets a demo, but then the Xbox 360 gets the same demo at the same time. The Playstation 3 gets a demo announced, but no date.
- With less than a month to go before release, DirectX 11 footage and screenshots of the PC version have not been shown.

Oh, and multiplayer has been absolutely butchered. I don't know why Crytek bought out Free Radical. They went into administration because of the failure of Haze. Of course, they conveniently do not mention Haze at all and instead like to talk about how they made Timesplitters. Either way, these are console FPSs. Why are they exclusively working on the multiplayer of a franchise that has been only on the PC up to this point?

Overall, Crytek/EA/whoever is in charge of this mess have forsaken the fanbase that brought Crytek here in the first place. Go ahead and cater to the console fanbase, but do not cry or be surprised if the PC version does poorly in sales. Of course, they'll take the easy route and just blame piracy instead of taking responsibility for pissing off their original fanbase.
I agree with every one of these reasons, :). Especially the one where Mr. Yerli siad it would be impossible on the consoles.... ;)
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:41 am

It has been pretty obvious that the Xbox 360 is the lead platform in this supposed "multi-platform" game, but now the Xbox 360 users get another demo which will launch on the same day as the PC demo. That's real nice. As if the exclusive beta and demo weren't enough, the Xbox 360 gets another demo at the same time as the PC. PC fans had to fight tooth and nail to get a demo. After silence, then an announcement (with no date), then finally a date, the PC gets it. However, the Xbox 360 gets an announcement shortly after with date immediately shown as well. The Playstation 3 users get an announcement of a demo but no date in sight.

Thank you Crytek and EA for taking a massive dump on your fanbase.

Wow...quit your biching! You're getting the demo on PC on the same date! What does it matter if the 360 gets another go at it with a new map? Seriously they obviously want to show those that tried the beta that they're making changes for the final product. Maybe even get a little feedback too. Come on I can't believe you guys are whining. Grow up.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:17 pm

You got one more scoop of ice cream than me....wahh!

thats what this sounds like to me. Such a world of ungrateful children we live in.

Be thankful you get to play a demo at all
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:54 am

So I point out the many downgrades, preferential treatment to the Xbox 360, lying, and ignoring of the fans by Crytek/EA, but all these morons can say is, "OMG Y U CRYIN!??!?!?! GROW UP!!!!" Seriously, kissing Crytek/EA's ass doesn't make you grown up, it only shows that you either a) like getting screwed over and ignored or b) you're an Xbox 360 owner and you're getting all the attention so you don't care that the rest get screwed over and ignored. Enjoy your dumbed down experience.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:42 pm

So I point out the many downgrades, preferential treatment to the Xbox 360, lying, and ignoring of the fans by Crytek/EA, but all these morons can say is, "OMG Y U CRYIN!??!?!?! GROW UP!!!!" Seriously, kissing Crytek/EA's ass doesn't make you grown up, it only shows that you either a) like getting screwed over and ignored or b) you're an Xbox 360 owner and you're getting all the attention so you don't care that the rest get screwed over and ignored. Enjoy your dumbed down experience.

I own PC, 360, PS3

I just fail to see how whining about a broken laggy beta that was 360 exclusive has anything to do with the upcoming demo which all formats are gettting a go at.

Most people couldnt even conect to the beta on xbox live which might be another reason, maybe you were to caught up in your own whining that you forgot about those people?

kissing your own ass and thinking your the only person that matters in the world just generally makes you a douchebag.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:49 am

Throughout that entire post you didn't stop to realize that only the Xbox 360 has had demos so far. The Xbox 360 may have had a broken laggy demo, but that's a lot more than anyone else got. It's also quite possible that the PC demo ends up as broken in other ways because no previous demo has been released for it to expose these problems. Of course, you own an Xbox 360 and you're so full of yourself that you didn't think about people who didn't get anything at all. Way to accuse me of something you're doing yourself.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:25 am

QQ more. If you don't get a demo you don't a demo.

Yeah, some guy wants a demo so Crytek gives the kid a demo. Yup, that's EXACTLY how it works.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:17 pm

^ That's how most people think on these forums lol The world is indebted to them.

Can you guys just wait 3 more days? In 3 days time you'll be posting back on these forums about how much this game rocks. then when march 25th hits, no one will remember which platform got a demo first or second or third, it'll be all history. so stop dwelling on petty things and STFU : D
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:34 pm

It's like I'm having a discussion with a broken record. Once again, this isn't only about the demo. I will make sure to get the demo and play it extensively, but I know it will be disappointing (well, meeting my low expectations anyway, since the footage disappointed me enough to set my expectations low).
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am

I think that if the PS3 got as much attention as the 360, then it would be perfectly fair. Consoles completely missed out on the beauty that was Crysis and you don't think they deserve a little extra attention? Hark, seeing as you're so resigned to being a pessimist and no one can change that, I'm not going to try arguing any of my above points...except maybe using the telemetry from the demo.

I'm perfectly aware that the PC's dedicated servers will function differently from the Xbox's P2P network, but I imagine that they (Crytek) would've gained some useful insight about the many bugs in the overall functionality of the multiplayer (unbalanced weapons, modules, etc;) some of which could most likely be ironed out to help polish the PS3 version at the very least. {<--not sure of this with an iron conviction, just thinking logically}

Also, your argument that everyone is being stubborn because they are 360 owners could easily be turned back at you. Perhaps you don't get it because you are a PC fanatic with such high standards (as are a lot of people here actually...)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:42 pm

hopefully this new 360 demo, got a fixed NetCode.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:48 pm

So I point out the many downgrades, preferential treatment to the Xbox 360, lying, and ignoring of the fans by Crytek/EA, but all these morons can say is, "OMG Y U CRYIN!??!?!?! GROW UP!!!!" Seriously, kissing Crytek/EA's ass doesn't make you grown up, it only shows that you either a) like getting screwed over and ignored or b) you're an Xbox 360 owner and you're getting all the attention so you don't care that the rest get screwed over and ignored. Enjoy your dumbed down experience.
There speaks the PC Fanboy...
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Gen Daley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:36 pm

Guys, the PS3 demo is coming as soon as it's available, just as the PC demo is coming as soon as it's available, it's nothing to do with favouritism and everything to do with what's ready and when. We would love to release all 3 demos at the same time but that means that 2 parties would have to wait whilst the 3rd is completed and that's not fair either. The reason the Xbox 360 is getting another demo is because it's ready and because it allows the previous demo users to check out the updates/changes made since the previous demo, including all those users that couldn't even play the demo because of the wifi issue.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:52 pm

So I point out the many downgrades, preferential treatment to the Xbox 360, lying, and ignoring of the fans by Crytek/EA, but all these morons can say is, "OMG Y U CRYIN!??!?!?! GROW UP!!!!" Seriously, kissing Crytek/EA's ass doesn't make you grown up, it only shows that you either a) like getting screwed over and ignored or b) you're an Xbox 360 owner and you're getting all the attention so you don't care that the rest get screwed over and ignored. Enjoy your dumbed down experience.
There speaks the PC Fanboy...

There speaks the Xbox 360 Fanboy...
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:47 am

There speaks the admin:

Leave it out of the forums guys.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:49 am

So I point out the many downgrades, preferential treatment to the Xbox 360, lying, and ignoring of the fans by Crytek/EA, but all these morons can say is, "OMG Y U CRYIN!??!?!?! GROW UP!!!!" Seriously, kissing Crytek/EA's ass doesn't make you grown up, it only shows that you either a) like getting screwed over and ignored or b) you're an Xbox 360 owner and you're getting all the attention so you don't care that the rest get screwed over and ignored. Enjoy your dumbed down experience.
There speaks the PC Fanboy...

There speaks the Xbox 360 Fanboy...
I own PC,360 and PS3. And i dont care about u retard PC Fanboy :) Consoles >> PC
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:26 pm

... and we're done here.
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