Completely Unnacceptable.

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

What have you been doing with your time? I decided to make an account on this forum
Solely for the reason that your game is a broken mess, i payed $60 for half a game and i am extremely disheartened. If this is the quality of you products on the PC, then this is likely the last time i will EVER buy a product with the Crytek name on it. I have not once been able to sign into multiplayer I.E. * GAMESPY ARCADE*
I.E. worst server architecture in the land, they ruin everything they touch. infact Crysis 1 torrented, is playable online solely because of Gamespy Arcade. And yes i do have reason to back up that opinion, i'm trying as hard
as i can here to stay coherent by the way. But when i saw that you released a DLC, BEFORE THE SERVER ARCHITECTURE IS EVEN FIXED!!!! i just about lost all hope for this product. Now don't get me wrong it's a great game... but when i'm only getting half of the product i payed for... i get ANGRY. And to make it even worse, I have a Digital copy off of steam, so no refunds.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 am

Dude.. your screwed. We've been here forever.. They dont give a crap.
Btw try make a new account with a new email adress and without the gamespy.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:28 pm

I think you should NEVER EVER pay console prices for PC games.
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Carlos Rojas
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