{FWE} Free Weapons Enjoy (USA) Crysis 2 Clan IS awaiting the official release of Crysis 2,Like Crysis And Crysis Wars, Battle Field Bad Company 2,We have worked very hard to keep clean fun servers.
From what I have seen in the videos and the demos,Crysis 2 has some features or earned upgrades/Options we all have seen in the demos the hacks that have haunted our server since the first Crysis FOR EXAMPLE just to name a couple, Rapid fire/Reload, is or will there be a feature that will detect these upgrades/Options that have not been earned.
I will ellaborate more on this. In the old Crysis these where the hacks that ruined servers:
*Rapid Reload
*Being able to see other players in infrared even behind solid objects
*Strength and Speed modes running together
*Flying around
There are alot more of course. Just as much as we are excited to see these new abilities in Crysis 2 it is also disturbing that these same new abilities were hacks in old Crysis.
Now since the PC version was "LEAKED" to the public, hackers now have a head start.
Since we now have a ranking level in Crysis 2 that will inhance and unlock new abilities what will protect us from hackers finding some way of giving themselves high ranking abilities when they are not that rank ie they didnt earn it ?
Other than obvious hacks, like flying around the map, or invincibilities, only someone who has maxed out in rank, played all and memorized the abilites of all player classes would be able to know what is a hack or not. This can take months to know.
Punkbuster was a complete failure to protect servers in old Crysis as the hackers found a way around this with ease.
BTW, for those Xbox and PS3 players, dont get cocky cause you do have hackers on those platform and now since Crysis 2 is coming your way I am sure these malicious idiots will be heading you way as hacking itself is a game to them
The only way I see Crysis 2 Multiplayer would make it difficult to hack is if they are streaming. I hope ranks are synced with a server rather than on the PC and there is a scan log of altered files when accessing a MP server.
- {FWE}Renegade