i really do hate them, they can fly they spread diseases, mites, they **** all over the place. I really would like if there where some ingame that i can shot, like the ducks in Crysis1. But this time they should be smashable to the tiniest pieces, not just fall over. I would pay 25€ extra for this feature! -.-
You'll all be praying that pigeons come back when you'll be invaded by spotted owls. What they do? I think i would go for the owls -.-'' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_Owl this one? why are they in Romania
I like pigeons... dead! xD just kiddin, I realy like them. Why would you hate pigeons like that. That's just mean I wonder if there will be a bug in Crysis 2 like there was in Crysis 1, when guns start shootin birds instead of bullets. lol
Crysis 1 had seagulls,........... but i would love throwing dead pigeons at enemies, they should have like, a easter egg reaction, and like crawl into a corner in disgust.......so then you can make fun of them and keep tossing soda cans, garbage bins, more dead stuff and laugh, that would be hilarious ,
Not a New Yorker. We've still got pigeons in Boston, but not like you guys. However, absentminded birdkilling was really really fun in Half Life 2 and New Vegas.
Crysis 1 had seagulls,........... but i would love throwing dead pigeons at enemies, they should have like, a easter egg reaction, and like crawl into a corner in disgust.......so then you can make fun of them and keep tossing soda cans, garbage bins, more dead stuff and laugh, that would be hilarious , *thumbs up btw Cry-Adam was that a hint?