Please make access to a "Quick Match" simpler by implementing this suggestion…
Instead of
1 click to 'leave' session (because I'm on an empty server)
1 click to 'confirm' leave
1 click to select 'quick match' (again)
1 click to select 'ranked' (again)
1 click to specify 'team instant action' (again)
give us a button to "repeat search" for a match so we can do it straight from the empty server and just find another with the specs we wanted.
So, when for whatever reason Crysis 2 decides to put me into a server by myself when I'm looking for a "Quick Match" (and really, what's quick about you alone on a server?), which happens all the time, as in, 7 out of 8 times, there needs to be a BUTTON TO REPEAT THE SEARCH AGAIN instead of forcing me to do 5 clicks on 5 different menus x 7 times stuck on empty before I find a match with actual people in it.
Hurray for automation.