Consoles are where the money is at

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:34 pm

"Consoles are where the money is at, and you guys should be greatful they are still making games for you"

i hear this phrase alot so i thought how bout i show these ignorant kids what it would be like if nobody bought thousand dollar PC's.

so lets say they stop making games for us pc gamers, ok then we wont buy new hardware. the computer industry will lose profit and stop developing new hardware. now here is the great part, the reason they don't push out a new console every year is because they can't, it not that it takes time to develop. it takes time for their 6 year old parts to decrease in price so they can sell you $300 consoles. now you think who makes the parts decrease in price well guess what pc gamers. when crysis came along it showcased next generation graphics and the requirement for next generation hardware. now with all the games being ported from consoles who needs the 500 dollar graphic card and the $1200 cpu, but without people buying these new swag they dont have to release every 6-12months and they could keep selling 2 year old stuff for $500. so now console gamers you either have to pay 1000 dollars for new consoles or wait 10-20 years.

now here is where i rage when they make games for console and port it to pc they cut the balls off of the game's potential. a good example is treyarc's statement about adding new stuff to black ops. o we ran out of space on the disc or translated: we pushed the xbox's capability to the max so pc players will get the same. if any one wondered why people still player counter strike after a decade. its because the pc community pushed it their with new ideas and mods where do you think gun game came from. unlike console gamers that just goes and buy what every regurgitated crap the developers spue out we pc games refine polish and push new ideas on the the crap they push out and turn the game in to a greatest hit while giving ideas to develops for their next game so it wont be regurgitated.

crysis1 is the reason i bought my 3000 dollar computer but it turns out crytech is the only game developers that pushes pc hardware to the max and so far crysis 2 is going down is the wrong path.

if final version only supports 12 players the game would be a entire joke.

my grammar isnt all that english is my hrid language hope i get my point across
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:00 am

All I read was 'Blah blah blah blah I hate consoles blah blah blah Lets have a platform war"

Why do people even make threads like this? Even if someone makes one bashing your platform, act like an advlt and ignore it rather than degenerating yourself to what a 7 year old would do.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 am

All I read was 'Blah blah blah blah I hate consoles blah blah blah Lets have a platform war"

Why do people even make threads like this? Even if someone makes one bashing your platform, act like an advlt and ignore it rather than degenerating yourself to what a 7 year old would do.

i guess u didn't read it, where did i say i hate consoles or have a platform war. im saying consoles would not survive with out pc and the game industry has been putting out the same **** over and over because the gaming community has not been helping the game grow look at world of star craft u think that could come from a console. get games to a larger audience but don't hurt the quality of games because of hardware limitations and lack of community support. mister maturity what do you play on?
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