I just finished Crysis 2...

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 am

crysis 2 storyline was terrible. they had to pretty much break all ties with crysis 1 in order to not isolate the console players (they would have no idea whats going on). so they just made a fresh, retarded, boring storyline, full with abysmal characters you really didnt give a **** about.

ill just say this ... einstein said 2 things are infinite, universe and humans stupidity! why is it so hard for u people to follow up the story? C2 story made perfect sense.

its not that its hard to follow the story, its just that its utter **** and full of plot holes.

The story is fine... But look it from this point: How could a marine, Alcatraz, that has been given a suit from a man, now everything? He isn't God, you only find out, what Alcatraz finds out... Get it?
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Richus Dude
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:53 pm

At the begining of Crysis 2 it seems as nothing happened at all.
"Oh yes there was something in the pacific 3 years ago but nobody minds anymore. It wasn't anything important. But now we got this strange epidemic in NYC out of nowhere!"

Yeah, most big cities were destroyed, like rio. Just because NY wasn't attacked, nothing happened right? Just the US exist.

It's not only the fact that they didn't mind the end of Crysis 1... The Ceph in Crysis 1 were perfect killing machines. If they didn't freeze you, they ripped you into peaces! Even a man in a nanosuit was barely able to fight the bigger ones. And now in NYC they are just some guck in exoskeletons which dies after a few hits with an assault rifle? This doesn't make any sence!

No, they were not. The trooper is a simple robot, and the scout, well... LOL, its a flying thing vulnerable to small arms fire.

And then the bullocks about the origin of the Ceph!
"They came probably from an ocean" Yeah of course! An ocean with -200°C and zero G or why needed the Ceph in Crysis 1 such an enviroment?

The zero G is probably to emulate the feeling on an ocean, and, not all liquids are frozen on -200c, they could have evolved on another liquid.

The developer of the nanosuit made it with alien technology and lived in a stasis pod for 50 years... come on be honest... you smoked a friggin lot of w**d when you wrote this, right?

Reverse engineering

And the nanosuit isn't just a suit, but a living symbiont and nobody in the US military which were involved in the project ever noticed it eventhough there were at least 3 spec ops teams with 15 nanosuit users and allthough the suit is a symbiont which is cross-linked with you body and organs it doesn't harm you if you take it off (see Prophet)...

Hargrave designed the suit.

The last thing about the story that I didn't like: Why wanted the US military to nuke the central Ceph structure at the end of Crysis 2? In Crysis 1 the nuke at the end ultimately gave the Ceph the power to start their attack on earth! Why do the expect now that a nuke would help???

The park didnt had a giant sphere that absorve energy.

There were a Raptor Team, a Hawk Team and an Eagle Team in Crysis 1. Probably there are even more nanosuit spec ops in the US military... allthough most of them probably died in the conflict on the Lingshan Islands, some probably survived (as I know the remains of the Eagle Team managed to escape the island during Warhead).
So why weren't any nanosuit spec ops send to NYC when the situation escalated??? Even the nanosuit-1 can fight like 100 marines.

Again, they could be ANYWHERE ELSE. NYC and US is not the only place on the world.

The characters in Crysis 2 are terrible. "I am the big colonel. My charakter doesn't know any emotions but hate and wrath and I don't think ever. I just act as a supercool soldier" Allmost all characters can be described pretty similar to this.
In Crysis 1 there were at least Psycho, Nomad and even Prophet that had some interesting characeristics (I loved Psycho and his comments).
And this Alcatraz guy... he is a joke... the "a*s in the suit" as he is called in the german version. Just a puppet without brain.

Your opinion

At last I want to mention the multiplayer. In Crysis 1 we had a great multiplayer! Vehicles, large maps, portable nuke launchers... everthing a player could want!
And now in Crysis 2... a small arena with a dozen people which are running around like chickens. It feels like Call of Duty with nanosuits and less players.
Of course CoD is "successful", but stealing game concepts doesn't bring you a good game!

And was a huge fail, died in less than a year.

I don't know if the game would have been better if it was PC only (if Crysis 1 was successful as PC only, then also Crysis 2 would have been possible as PC only but of course you greedy guys would have earned a bit less money... so you made this game as a console game which was badly ported on PC) but I think some things would have been better. We would probably have a real story connection between 1 & 2 and still have the much better radial suit menu.

And sell A LOT LESS (not a bit less)

(I'm a PC GAMER)
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:17 am

crysis 2 storyline was terrible. they had to pretty much break all ties with crysis 1 in order to not isolate the console players (they would have no idea whats going on). so they just made a fresh, retarded, boring storyline, full with abysmal characters you really didnt give a **** about.

ill just say this ... einstein said 2 things are infinite, universe and humans stupidity! why is it so hard for u people to follow up the story? C2 story made perfect sense.

its not that its hard to follow the story, its just that its utter **** and full of plot holes.

The story is fine... But look it from this point: How could a marine, Alcatraz, that has been given a suit from a man, now everything? He isn't God, you only find out, what Alcatraz finds out... Get it?

Excuse for plot holes. If i didnt want to write a cohesive story i could do that too.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:24 am

My best guess is Crytek wanted to make a game that could be ported to consoles, as you all know, consoles are the main demographic for devs these days. If they made the story accessible ONLY to those who played through the others, then the console gamers who are the main demographic would be left in the dust from a story standpoint. Their thinking, to me, almost makes sense. They make a game that someone can pick up and can be understood, but hardcoe fans (won't lie, I'm not one) can appreciate the subtle hints.There are other games which were made for consoles withouth giving up the storyline of the first game. Portal 2 was the first Portal game for PS3 but I never heard someone complaining "Oh I don't unterstand the story because I didn't played the first game. This suxxs!!11!"

For Mass Effect 2 they made a comic that explained the story of the first game and it worked, too!

Why would this be a problem for Crysis? Especially with the Cryengine the could have made a great cinematic to link the games. A intro with 5-10 minutes with in-game scenes of Crysis and Warhead would have been enough to explain clearly what happened.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:14 am

My situation

Crysis 1 : Suit - awesome. Gogogo kill stuff have fun.

Crysis 2: Suit - awesome. Gogogo kill stuff have fun.

Enjoyed both.
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D LOpez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:25 am

While playing the campaign I thought that it would be highly unlikely that no one would ever realise that something strange is going on.

Just take the events between Crysis and Crysis 2.
A huge war to fight the alien forces, a massive number of soldiers involved, thousand must have died. Huge ressources being used and destroyed. And yet the rest of the world lives in sweet ignorance?

And the current events? Big cities all over the world under attack or even wiped from the planets surface, strange plagues killing huge numbers of people while at the same time strange ships fly over the cities. And nobody realises whats going on.
In fact the guy on the pirate radio station you can listen to every now and then is selling the alien presence as the amazing news of the day.

But then again - most of the characters in Crysis 2 act like they only use half of their brains, with Gould leading the way.
"Oh, Prophet suddenly refuses to speak after his suit went offline for at least 15 minutes! But I guess everything is just fine. And I am too busy forgetting all of my collected data at a very easy accessible place anyway!"
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:16 am

While playing the campaign I thought that it would be highly unlikely that no one would ever realise that something strange is going on.

Just take the events between Crysis and Crysis 2.
A huge war to fight the alien forces, a massive number of soldiers involved, thousand must have died. Huge ressources being used and destroyed. And yet the rest of the world lives in sweet ignorance?

And the current events? Big cities all over the world under attack or even wiped from the planets surface, strange plagues killing huge numbers of people while at the same time strange ships fly over the cities. And nobody realises whats going on.
In fact the guy on the pirate radio station you can listen to every now and then is selling the alien presence as the amazing news of the day.

But then again - most of the characters in Crysis 2 act like they only use half of their brains, with Gould leading the way.
"Oh, Prophet suddenly refuses to speak after his suit went offline for at least 15 minutes! But I guess everything is just fine. And I am too busy forgetting all of my collected data at a very easy accessible place anyway!"

The invasion just started, not wiping big citys and everything... CELL is telling everybody that the city is under control, but after a couple of attacks, people realize what is going on...
About the Lingshan Islands: The attack was a undercover US operation, not worldwide, and don't think everyone ignored it, no! There was a lot of conspirycies (Gould had one of them)!
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:26 am

Also they tell you somewhere towards the end of the game that it is also happening everywhere in theworld
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:13 am

If you guys weren't so **** RETARDED and I don't know, paid attention to the game instead of looking for all the flaws in it, you might notice that the connection between the 2 games is explained throughout Prophets "flashbacks" and what Hargreave says to you.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:17 am

I know what you mean, I really hope the continue with what happened there when Psycho, Nomad, and Helena all went back.
I am really praying they did not just use lingshan, and all it's glory to produce Crysis 2, and all crysis did was warm you up for the rest of the way. with no answers.
I really want to play as Nomad, and or Psycho. Hell I even want to play as Helena. To get that good ol' feeling back from the first.
Which storyline wise was waaaaaaay better than Crysis 2.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:55 am

Yeh I totaly agree with this post,, and yes i DID feel like there was a war with NK by the end of the game.. not to mention.. the ceph were NOT stopped at the end of that game.. not by a long shot.. but it doesnt matter.. this is a new Franchise, with a new targetted install base.. they are just using the name and pc install base to sell it to the console masses . GG crytek .. at least I can come here from time to time and amuse myself . at the end of the day thats what i wound up paying 60 bucks for
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