My pre-order is on hold until March 15-16th to have a look at Homefront's retail MP. But these are some questions I really have to ask to know how much it's worth it favouring Crysis 2.
1- Graphics settings expanded like normal, or will they still be these basic "Gamer, Advanced, hardcoe" presets? I've seen people saying no, others saying yes, couldn't find any kind of info pointing towards the latter, so what's the word?
2- Mod tools confirmed, or at least, winked at by some developers towards the community? It'll be a huge factor in the game's life span. I know Crytek has always been very supportive of this, but companies change. Just look at the 180o done by IW from MW to MW2.
3- DX11 on a day one patch or only "later"? Again, I've seen conflicting statements from multiple people.
4- What's your opinions on the Nanovision? I never payed much attention to it before, but now that I've starded using I feel it's absolutely mandatory to keep on using it given the tremendous advantage it gives to players. And the way I've seen some people abusing this coupled with stealth I'm seriously worried that it might be a future balance issue, more than it might be now.
5- Is it just me, or is Air Stomp messed up in the demo? I can come down directly on top of an enemy's head and he just looks at me and hits me with the butt of his weapon, wth.
That's all I got for now, thanks for the answers.