Dear Crytek, I have a Confession

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:15 pm

You may remember me as a part of the "No PC demo, no buy" boycott. But after playing through your demo, after listening to some of your soundtrack, and after looking at some of the singleplayer gameplay, I must say I apologize. My mind has turned 180 degrees, and I am completely sold.

What you people are doing is something different for once. In a market thats chalked full of military games, you are doing something different. Making an epic one-man army story with War of the Worlds and Cloverfield feel. I can't think of any other game that has done that.

What most disappointed me is the number of people complaining. Especially about that graphics. Some people on steam forums quoted that they won't buy the game because "it doesn't push their system to the limit". Are they seriously complaining about the game running really good? Some people also complained about the motion blur. I absolutely saw what you guys did. Per object motion blur. If the idiots will stop trolling people and pay a little bit attention, they may notice that objects blur out based on how fast they move. Unlike other games where they just blur the whole screen. Also the lights glare. It simulates how the eye behaves. When you look into a bright area, the brightness stays burnt in your eyes for a short time.

I can keep on going, but unfortunately, people are just too stupid to understand it. Gamers were once smart, I guess playing COD too much has killed their braincells.

Speaking of COD, those who are complaining that multiplayer is a COD copy, don't listen to them. They just played to much of the same game. Seriously, one of my friend who happened to be a COD fanatic killed 3 people in the Crysis demo, then started hammering the P button screaming "dude, i got 3 kill-streak!! where's my UAV perk???!!". I just walked out of the room.

As for the marketing, I must say it was not the best. It's just the delay which made people think that you were holding back the PC build because it was really bad, like no dedicated servers etc. I have no idea for the reason of the delay, but maybe it was to polish the game even more. If that was the case, it was time well spent.

Crytek, I have pre-ordered the game. You have never made a bad game, and there is no reason to believe that you will. As for the people complaining, don't listen to them. They are most probably console 12 year olds speaking big words to feel important. Crytek fans are with you, they are still smart, and dedicated as ever.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:19 pm

Yes, crysis 2 is the most original game EVUR created, there is not one game like it!

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Catherine N
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:54 pm

marketing is done by EA, I blame them in that case. as for the rest, I completely agree!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:33 pm

One of the best posts I've seen on this forum. I still dont like the way every console player is stereotyped to be a 12 year old though...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:11 am

You know what the funny part is...The pc gamers are complaining that the game doesn't push their systems to the limits and then go on to complain about the motion blur and lighting effects. Those are advancements that advance graphics and they are complaining about them. Then you got console tools fighting over ps3 and 360 and which version is better looking. All the while i'll be enjoying the game on the 15th with the ps3 demo and then on the 22nd when it releases. But yea I totally agree with the original post and I really like how the single player campaign looks. They created a really good atmosphere for an alien take over. It really stirs the imagination I think. Plus after I play the hell out of the campaign there is still multiplayer too which looks pretty good...

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:41 am

That's what I like to hear, positive talk. I totally agree on everything you've mentioned hanz12891. Every aspect of Crysis 2 has had exceptional effort and quality put into it, the story, the music/sounds, the graphics, and everything else. And that deserves recognition by us gamers.

I'm loving the look of Crysis 2, and I too have pre-ordered it. And like you said hanz12891, Crytek have never made a bad game, and there is no reason to believe they will.

Thankyou Crytek, thankyou for every bit of effort you have put into this game and all of your other games, not to mention making an excellent looking and running engine. We really need to make a thankyou thread as soon as Crysis 2 comes out and we've played it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:17 am

Game is great, glad i preordered it. Haters gonna hate
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:12 pm

Some people also complained about the motion blur. I absolutely saw what you guys did. Per object motion blur. If the idiots will stop trolling people and pay a little bit attention, they may notice that objects blur out based on how fast they move. Unlike other games where they just blur the whole screen. Also the lights glare. It simulates how the eye behaves.
They are complaining about blur because they know how Crysis1 looks, I have to say they are right in that department and you are wrong. In C2 blur is used for some static objects, regardless how you move your camera, a sort of a cheaper method to avoid doing AA. Crysis1 however manages to look crisp and clean without that "cheap" tricks.

Anyway, in the big picture I think both sides, the pc-people and the console-people bring constantly flawed arguments to defend their point of view in total.

As long as it is only graphics it doesn't affect my decision in playing that game, since the visuals are at least OK, on any platform. It is more important whether the rest can keep up with those graphics.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:41 pm

"it doesn't push their system to the limit".
Them gamers must be using GTX580 SLI?. I reckon the milliom+ polygons (hardcoe) in Crysis 2 will heat up these beasts somewhat.
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kevin ball
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:57 am

Making an epic one-man army story with War of the Worlds and Cloverfield feel. I can't think of any other game that has done that.

Cloverfield was just a rip off of Resistance Fall of Man and Blair Witch. Not that that wasn't a quite good idea but I never really loved that movie. Though I did like the idea of being in the midst of an alien invasion but just being in it and the characters not being the ones who saves the world and stuff. The sub plots kind of being more human than "right lets go kick that 200ft monsters butt wahoo!"was cool.

That was thing that wasthe most original element that came out of mixing the two things for Cloverfield. The FPS viewpoint though as in seeing the monster then not seeing it or seeing it's feet that kind of thing probably came from the FPS genre before it was in Cloverfield. Certainly it's used in Bulletstorm.

Anyway I haven't played it but isn't Resistance also an "epic one-man army story with War of the Worlds and Cloverfield feel".
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:54 pm

I hope Crytek-games will never deserve to be compared to Resistance or Killzones. Because all those games are from ground up just (boring) arcade corridor-shooters with trivial spawn-mechanisms. Judging by youtubers it is surprising that many of them don't even notice such obvious things.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:25 pm

as a rule of thumb.....

if a game is a marketed by EA do not, I repeat DO NOT pay attention to the marketing

even if a game is AWESOME, if EA has anything to do with it, the marketing will be bad enough to make evey gamer with a few braincells cringe. Want examples?

Dragon Age: this is the new SH*T! advertisemant campaign
Dragon age 2 "think like a general fight like a spartan" "press a button and something awesome happens"
Dead Space 2: "your mom will hate it?"
Dante's inferno's Xmas commercial

and so on
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:05 pm

What most disappointed me is the number of people complaining. Especially about that graphics. Some people on steam forums quoted that they won't buy the game because "it doesn't push their system to the limit". Are they seriously complaining about the game running really good?

II'm a PC gamer and I'm not like that in the slightest. I love it when a game doesn't work with my graphics card because then I can upgrade(I'm an electrical engineer so I like messing with hardware :) ). But, I mostly bought my expensive hardware so I can play any game on its highest settings (which I can). Honestly, the people who complain are just alienating themselves from a bunch of games(if it doesn't have good graphics or mainly support PC, II wont buy it). This cuts a ton of games off the list which are actually pretty fun.

I'm not that worried about the graphics anyway cus I heard that there is a whole higher-up setting than what was in the demo.

P.S. The marketing was EA. I think they signed a marketing deal with MS or something which explains the reason we only see xbox commercials. I bet Crytek wont do that next time. It kinda skrewed them over...
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:47 am

stop being a **** drama queen all the time, nobody cares and neither does cryrek
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:44 pm

as a rule of thumb.....
if a game is a marketed by EA do not, I repeat DO NOT pay attention to the marketing
As a rule of thumb, do not pay attention to any marketing.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:12 am

One of the best posts I've seen on this forum. I still dont like the way every console player is stereotyped to be a 12 year old though...

Have you ever listened to the voices in X Box Live? Nearly every console player IS a 12 year old. Many PC gamers are also young.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:22 am

as a rule of thumb.....
if a game is a marketed by EA do not, I repeat DO NOT pay attention to the marketing
As a rule of thumb, do not pay attention to any marketing.

Marketing just eats up money that should've gone into the game. But you have to do it to tap into the more casual audiences. Most of the casual audience is on console so thats why most of the marketing budget is spent on console gamers.

There might be more sales on console but it costs a lot more money to tap into them and there is a lot more competition also.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:10 am

One of the best posts I've seen on this forum. I still dont like the way every console player is stereotyped to be a 12 year old though...

Have you ever listened to the voices in X Box Live? Nearly every console player IS a 12 year old. Many PC gamers are also young.

Ya. Its soo annoying when I play CS and here a bunch of little kids. I especially hate PC little kids though because they act really trollish...
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:29 pm

as a rule of thumb.....
if a game is a marketed by EA do not, I repeat DO NOT pay attention to the marketing
As a rule of thumb, do not pay attention to any marketing.

Marketing just eats up money that should've gone into the game. But you have to do it to tap into the more casual audiences. Most of the casual audience is on console so thats why most of the marketing budget is spent on console gamers (I don't know about you but I've never even seen the PC-DVD symbol on TV even when a game thats out on PC is being advertised).

There might be more sales on console but it costs a lot more money to tap into them and there is a lot more competition also.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:52 pm

stop being a **** drama queen all the time, nobody cares and neither does cryrek
yeah but with EA especially
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:54 am

I love the way people say I would prefer if... We need this... Or whatever and then some drama queen starts swearing about them being drama queens.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:07 am

as a rule of thumb.....
if a game is a marketed by EA do not, I repeat DO NOT pay attention to the marketing
As a rule of thumb, do not pay attention to any marketing. Here is an example:
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:07 am

What most disappointed me is the number of people complaining. Especially about that graphics. Some people on steam forums quoted that they won't buy the game because "it doesn't push their system to the limit". Are they seriously complaining about the game running really good? Some people also complained about the motion blur. I absolutely saw what you guys did. Per object motion blur. If the idiots will stop trolling people and pay a little bit attention, they may notice that objects blur out based on how fast they move. Unlike other games where they just blur the whole screen. Also the lights glare. It simulates how the eye behaves. When you look into a bright area, the brightness stays burnt in your eyes for a short time.

I can keep on going, but unfortunately, people are just too stupid to understand it.

Seems like you're too stupid to understand the argument the people complaining about the graphics are putting up. CRYSIS 2 LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1! THERE IS ONLY DX9 SUPPORT! What makes it worse is that the CEO of Crytek lied to the whole PC community saying that Crysis 2 would be the most graphically advanced PC game to date. Well it sure makes him look STUPID when it turns out that the game ends up looking WORSE than it's predecessor.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:46 pm

What most disappointed me is the number of people complaining. Especially about that graphics. Some people on steam forums quoted that they won't buy the game because "it doesn't push their system to the limit". Are they seriously complaining about the game running really good? Some people also complained about the motion blur. I absolutely saw what you guys did. Per object motion blur. If the idiots will stop trolling people and pay a little bit attention, they may notice that objects blur out based on how fast they move. Unlike other games where they just blur the whole screen. Also the lights glare. It simulates how the eye behaves. When you look into a bright area, the brightness stays burnt in your eyes for a short time.

I can keep on going, but unfortunately, people are just too stupid to understand it.

Seems like you're too stupid to understand the argument the people complaining about the graphics are putting up. CRYSIS 2 LOOKS WORSE THAN CRYSIS 1! THERE IS ONLY DX9 SUPPORT! What makes it worse is that the CEO of Crytek lied to the whole PC community saying that Crysis 2 would be the most graphically advanced PC game to date. Well it sure makes him look STUPID when it turns out that the game ends up looking WORSE than it's predecessor.

It looks better than the predecessor in every way shape and form.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:39 pm


the answer you will generally receive by those who believe Crysis 1 looked better than Crysis 2 is that Crysis 1 had a sprawling open gaming space filled with foliage and, at the time, was nearly impossible to play in its full glory.

now there are plenty of texture and lightning comparisons that prove that C2 is technically superior to C1 but not many will listen, for myself I can say watching the screens and the videos from C1 and C2 that C1 does look.....I am not sure how to express this in english....somehow "lighter". As if things and especially character models were "less solid" than they should be (this does not happen in C2) kinda like in ME2 comparing it to ME1 (I chalk this up as a textural problem)
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