Lobby kicking players that dont have DLC

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:29 pm

Can't the lobby at least allow players in it even if they dont have the DLC?

If there are a majority of folks playing the server that dont have the new DLC, they could at least keep playing the server by voting for the old maps each time. But as it is, the server is filling and dumping like a roller coaster as old and new maps cycle.

There has to be a way to only kick non DLC folks once the map has been selected and has started loading, not in the lobby prior. As it is, non DLC players are kicked in the lobby before they can vote if a new map is one of the choices.

The already dwindling online community is getting split into those that have DLC and those that don't when most of us server owner are running old and new maps in rotation to try and cater to all players DLC or not.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:25 pm

Can't the lobby at least allow players in it even if they dont have the DLC?

If there are a majority of folks playing the server that dont have the new DLC, they could at least keep playing the server by voting for the old maps each time. But as it is, the server is filling and dumping like a roller coaster as old and new maps cycle.

There has to be a way to only kick non DLC folks once the map has been selected and has started loading, not in the lobby prior. As it is, non DLC players are kicked in the lobby before they can vote if a new map is one of the choices.

The already dwindling online community is getting split into those that have DLC and those that don't when most of us server owner are running old and new maps in rotation to try and cater to all players DLC or not.

Post this on the thread: "Community suggestions for future patches"...
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:44 pm

This is why paid DLC fails on PC with dedicated servers this **** is so annoying same thing with black ops
Crytek release this free to PC community
I mean its a little bit of an inconvenience to get sold a game that wasn't and still isn't complete
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:51 pm

y would u buy DLC. Mod tools are coming before august
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Reven Lord
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

My game server provider automatically added the new maps from the DLC to my available maplist so I would like to offer them to those that own the DLC and frequent my server.

I am merely trying to provide a map rotation for those that have the maps and also those that don't.

I think the best solution would be to allow non-DLC players to have about 2 minutes of gametime in any map that comes up. If the player has not actually paid for the DLC then they would be given notice, encouraged to purchase the map, then get kicked after a countdown so they know what is coming.

This type of DEMO marketing would most likely sell the DLC if players thought the maps were any good. It would also keep folks from getting dumped all of a sudden after a game concludes with no warning...
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:04 am

Can't the lobby at least allow players in it even if they dont have the DLC?

If there are a majority of folks playing the server that dont have the new DLC, they could at least keep playing the server by voting for the old maps each time. But as it is, the server is filling and dumping like a roller coaster as old and new maps cycle.

There has to be a way to only kick non DLC folks once the map has been selected and has started loading, not in the lobby prior. As it is, non DLC players are kicked in the lobby before they can vote if a new map is one of the choices.

The already dwindling online community is getting split into those that have DLC and those that don't when most of us server owner are running old and new maps in rotation to try and cater to all players DLC or not.

thats why crytek S*cks at supporting the gamers

they released a mappack ( that have to be free) but besides that they force you to buy it otherwise you will get kicked if you join a server that switches to a new map.

all game server providers have automaticly added the new maps in rotation that means without the mappack you will get kicked (ranked)

GJ crytek with this wonderfull support towards us
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:37 am

all this DLC situation is just one big piece of sh1t
i stopped playing and don't regret at all
just chaking for dx11 news in "lazy" mode
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:12 am


I just wanted to check back in and say that sadly, I have taken the DLC out of my map rotation. I suppose most server owners have... unless they like having 90% of the server kicked when a DLC map shows up in the lobby between games.

Everytime a DLC map came up, server cleared. It was ridiculous.

PS: the new DLC maps are a great addition in my opinion, too bad so few will ever see them.
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