Dear Crytek.....Im sorry but why!?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:37 pm

Dear Crytek

O.k i've been wondering.....if crytek is making a sandbox mode for the pc why would they make them feel more appreciated than us xbox 360 players. I seriously think that we should also have it to i mean they get top notch graphics system and alot smoother game play and yet us 360 users all we get is a campaign and a multi-player but no fun free mode were we can invite our buddy's and make a super bomb and through it at someone while running away from aliens i mean id do that for ours and play it till i couldn't feel my fingers! and all my friends agree that you should have it in the game and for the 360 not having sandbox will definitely decrease my replay ours....and may have to move to another game....sorry crytek
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:39 pm

To put it simply, your just cant have the sandbox editor on a console. You need a keyboard and a mouse for it to work right. You either just wouldn't be able to do some of the things you can do with a keyboard and a mouse, or many things would take MUCH longer to do. Many people would probably be uninterested with making a map with AI and all of the other things you need for a good map because it would be too difficult to do so. Keep in mind that you may port a map that was made on the PC editor onto the 360 (I have no idea how to though).

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Kate Norris
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:07 pm

Dear Crytek

O.k i've been wondering.....if crytek is making a sandbox mode for the pc why would they make them feel more appreciated than us xbox 360 players. I seriously think that we should also have it to i mean they get top notch graphics system and alot smoother game play and yet us 360 users all we get is a campaign and a multi-player but no fun free mode were we can invite our buddy's and make a super bomb and through it at someone while running away from aliens i mean id do that for ours and play it till i couldn't feel my fingers! and all my friends agree that you should have it in the game and for the 360 not having sandbox will definitely decrease my replay ours....and may have to move to another game....sorry crytek

If you have a problem with the X Box 360 graphics tell microsoft:

It is not appropriate to address this concern to Crytek since the hardware is the weak link.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 am

Consoles cant handle sandbox, you need 2 GB of Ram.
Guess what your xbox got 512 mb and the ps3 256 mb.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:39 pm

As mainly a console player, I can tell you it cant be done. Bringing up the 'Halo Forge' arguement is pointless: Forge only lets you add PRE-MADE objects and effects onto PRE-MADE maps. Sandbox requires you to be fairly tech-savvy and you NEED a keyboard to use most of the features. In sandbox, you edit the environment and maniplulate objects. All this requires way too much memory for a console (as said above, Xbox and PS3 have not much RAM- my LAPTOP has three times more RAM than my PS3)
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

Consoles cant handle sandbox, you need 2 GB of Ram.
Guess what your xbox got 512 mb and the ps3 256 mb.
ps3 got 512mb split in 2
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:41 pm

Consoles cant handle sandbox, you need 2 GB of Ram.
Guess what your xbox got 512 mb and the ps3 256 mb.
maybe not a sandbox like the pc version but if it would let us make maps like we could do in farcry 2 then its fair enough and there was much of possibilities in far cry 2 for making maps so it wouldn't be hard for crytek to make one. or like i readed on the site of cryengine make things on the pc and port it to console maybe by putting the map on a usb stick and the copying it to the crysis 2 data
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:38 am

There's a rather long thread with tons of back and forth on this. Go read it and post there. I doubt the majority of this forum wants to rehash that whole thread.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:04 pm

lol console fanboys asking for sandbox, it cant and never handle it. just buy a pc.

at least thank crytek that their making this game for consoles too, don't ask for too much.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:23 am

Halo 3 had a sandbox mode.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:18 am

Halo 3 had a sandbox mode.
As mainly a console player, I can tell you it cant be done. Bringing up the 'Halo Forge' arguement is pointless: Forge only lets you add PRE-MADE objects and effects onto PRE-MADE maps. Sandbox requires you to be fairly tech-savvy and you NEED a keyboard to use most of the features. In sandbox, you edit the environment and maniplulate objects. All this requires way too much memory for a console (as said above, Xbox and PS3 have not much RAM- my LAPTOP has three times more RAM than my PS3)
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:53 pm

Crytek will give us SANDBOX Editor!? Yes Thank You Crytek, Thank You. Now this is one of the reason I am going to preorder this game. :D
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:33 am

lol console fanboys asking for sandbox, it cant and never handle it. just buy a pc.

at least thank crytek that their making this game for consoles too, don't ask for too much.

Just buy a PC. I'm really sick of that one. Snobs. Far cry did an editor, halo did an editor. When we ask for sandbox, we don't mean mod tools, we mean a simple object editor to make some fun maps with. I understand it takes a little effort on crytek's part creating those tools for us, but i don't think its to much to ask. Especially since we'll probably make them more money anyway.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:20 pm

lol console fanboys asking for sandbox, it cant and never handle it. just buy a pc.

at least thank crytek that their making this game for consoles too, don't ask for too much.

Just buy a PC. I'm really sick of that one. Snobs. Far cry did an editor, halo did an editor. When we ask for sandbox, we don't mean mod tools, we mean a simple object editor to make some fun maps with. I understand it takes a little effort on crytek's part creating those tools for us, but i don't think its to much to ask. Especially since we'll probably make them more money anyway.

Sandbox is the SPECIFIC name of the mod tools. Asking for Sandbox is, by nature, asking for full blown mod tools. There is no way around this. Asking for just any old editor, well, that has a done to death thread already. Just bear in mind, an editor for C2 for consoles would have, by nature, a nearly useless interface that would only let you place pre-rendered objects. You would have better control making maps out of legos and mailing them pictures.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:39 pm

Thats a massive exaggeration. Making maps out of pre rendered object can be frustrating, but the results can often be very good. (not reach, all the objects look the same, but Far Cry! That was pretty good!)

Oh and bear in mind most of us 'console fanboys' have no idea what sandbox actually is (i do know) and just assume its an editor like were used to. Please forgive our ignorance, but sometimes us 'console fanboys' miss things.
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