Will Crysis 2 Ever Have Large Scale Multi-player Warfare?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

What made Crysis, well 'Crysis'... was the amount of fun you could have jumping out of VTOLS, launching nukes at enemy bases, capturing bunkers, and tossing the odd Korean into a building... (no offence). Anyway, in the original Crysis multiplayer it was sort of a Counter-Strike mixed Battlefield 2 hybrid which a lot of PC gamers thought was brilliant. And I can completely understand why so many 'Gamers' are pissed of with Crysis 2. Going from an open tropical island to New York was one of the things that kinda annoyed me, but I got over that. But the main thing which is what I'm sure is the same with most angry trolls is that the whole 'Large Scale Warfare' has gone...

No offence, but a lot of us don't want another Call of Duty where you run around aimlessly shooting anything that moves... I'm not saying Crysis 2 is terrible, the single player looks immense! And the new nano suits a long with suit modules, new kung fu moves etc... they all look awesome!

But, good games are normally the ones with impressive graphics, impressive story lines with impressive and long single player campaigns which players would love to play over again and again... And finally, a helluva good multiplayer side to the game... Multiplayer games are the best sellers if no one had realised, and people such as myself are getting bored of the same shoot-em-ups which is why we loved Crysis... I am probably going to buy Crysis 2, but I would so god damn love it if CryTek or EA etc released some kind of DLC (Free preferably) that upped the scale of multiplayer with big maps and some vehicle and explosive action just like we had in the original Crysis multiplayer. :)
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:11 pm

Large scale and cryengine don't go together well with consoles. If they were to make such an expansion, it would have to be PC only and we both know that will never happen. So... take it as it is. Enjoy the single player then move on.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:56 pm

Buy bf3 if u want that
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:47 am

Buy bf3 if u want that


Large scale and cryengine don't go together well with consoles. If they were to make such an expansion, it would have to be PC only and we both know that will never happen. So... take it as it is. Enjoy the single player then move on.

And this.

Crysis 2 is great as it is now.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:57 pm

I don't know why the lots of you believe you can't make large maps, it's possible on consoles as well as PC's.
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brandon frier
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:01 pm

I don't know why the lots of you believe you can't make large maps, it's possible on consoles as well as PC's.

large maps = yes, 64-128 players = no

not 24 guys on a GTA size map.. hmmm i personally would love it :) but it would be kinda risky, not sure if every one would like it, it would have limited instant action do to the large distances you would have to take to hunt down your enemies

it would be a completely new game that has never existed before

im waiting for years now for a BF3 style game with crysis quality grafix and MMO amount of players, like 1000's on the same map, 100's of tanks, cars, land + watter vehicles, many dozens of airplanes and air vehicles on GTA size or even bigger maps... 3-4 different fractions defending or taking large scale cities... i guess i still have to wait.. my guess is more then a decade :)

my dream game mode:
you could chose 1 of the 4 fractions, the server would wait till a group of 16-20 players fill then start that on a selected start point most outside the city, your mission is to take or defend a city, your capable to communicate and coordinate with other teams on your faction, and chat with anyone else, holding a cities key locations gives every one in that faction some XP could be battlefield flag style or graw domination style.. defending units would have different tools then attacking, like defending will have AA, and AT while attacking air superiority and fer more tanks and so on... balancing such game would be very very hard as they have different tools for defending or attacking, locations of spawn points would be very hard to balance as well, and obviously such game has to be constantly updated so this could be only done with a membership fee and not in a boxed version

BF3 will be ok, but just slightly better then BF2 was, im sure i will prefer BF3 over crysis for the above reasons, but its not yet what im waiting for

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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:32 am

Well, PC has mad tools so yes there will probably large maps and a lot of players right after they are released in the summer.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:03 pm

Try playing Killzone 3. Sneakiness becomes **** and chaos. I love it personally, but with 24 players games tend to turn into run and gun instead of tactical assaults. The only time formations emerge is when the maps are really big like Corynth Highway.

Also, bigger maps = Campers with sniper rifles.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm

well city hall is officially the largest map, and i have to say its disappointingly small

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:45 pm

they molded the game after modern warfare 2 without seeing call of duty headed there way

call of duty is the modern warfare 2 alternative.. crysis 2 isn't something unique or different it is a 'nother alternative.

also I'll add I don't think they care

**someones got to tell europeans about the latest love we have for jay leno types.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm

Honestly idk crysis 1 had nice graphics and huge online environments, bf 3s graphics already look better than crysis 2s to me and its comeing out in half a year and it will have vehicles, 64 players, etc so hell yeah its do able.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:14 pm

they molded the game after modern warfare 2 without seeing call of duty headed there way

call of duty is the modern warfare 2 alternative.. crysis 2 isn't something unique or different it is a 'nother alternative.

also I'll add I don't think they care

**someones got to tell europeans about the latest love we have for jay leno types.

what are you trying to say? Modern Warfare 2 is part of the Call of Duty series...
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James Hate
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:16 pm

I'm also disappointed about the multiplayer. It may be fun and all but seems as if the multiplayer is recycled Halo and COD. I was hoping for some bigger maps and vehicles. Killzone 3 has huge maps with vehicles and it's on ps3. I don't see much innovation but Crytek bragging about how the Nanosuit 2 is going to be a game-changer :(
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