» Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:33 am
Don't rely on the kill-cam too much. It is just recalculating the process and is filled with numerical-errors. It is also a reason why it suddenly stops proceeding a while before the impact happens, it would be too inaccurate. Kill-cam has to be treated as a tool to see an approximated process.
Yes, I agree. Generally I wouldn't rely on a killcam, however; when I also see that they aren't taking damage from their view during the killcam, it's something entirely different than a killcam error. Something is wrong. My ping usually averages 80-120, so odds are it's not that. There's some sort of netcode error happening in there that I haven't quite figured out yet. Occasionally, firing at an enemy in armor mode, about half of a clip will kill them (which makes sense). Other times though, I'll put an entire clip into their chest/face from less than 20 feet away and still have to either switch to my pistol to kill them or I will simply die. Those are the biggest wtf moments I've experienced so far.
Also, on the 360, good lord host has a massive advantage. This game has by far the largest host advantage on any console game I have played to date. That is not even exaggerating in the least bit. Host is a tank. Period. Biggest bullet eating warriors simply because of the P2P. It's absolutely crazy that Crytek hadn't accounted for that in the development stage? Competitive play is going to be mutilated already because the one person that has the best internet connection will automatically win the game for their team simply because they can either eat your bullets, or theirs will actually hit you like the bullets are intended because they have a 0 ping connection to the game. It's infuriating.