Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:44 am

Recently I've tried Crysis 2 demo for PC, and I just wanted to tell Crysis and everybody what I think they're biggest flaws are. Now remember I don't know if this is how the real game is going to be, but I'm judging from the demo. Another thing you should know is that I have over 400Hrs of experience on Crysis and Crysis: Warhead.

ps when i say you i mean crytek and everyone else you helped make this game..

lets begin..

- WHAT IS UP WITH THE AIM... I'm sorry but if we're going to have a PC and laser mouses that have such precision its unbelievable, shouldn't we have more of an aim.. it's like i fire and the gun (Scar) shoots randomly. the whole beauty about computer gaming is you can aim nicely ... the first Crysis when you put a laser on the gun it was like a whole different level of gaming.. it was more intense and it showed more skill on how well you can aim.. here it's like aiming on a consol YOU HAVE TO ZOOM IN.. -_-

- WHY WOULD YOU CUT DOWN OUR NANO SUIT OPTIONS?! ... the nano suit is suppose to be the ultimate weapon and you decreased it's powers comparing to the first one.. we should be able to choose if we want super speed or super jump.. also we should be able to choose if we want the stuff on our guns or not in multiplayer.. JUST BECAUSE IT TAKES HARDER TO LEARN HOW TO USE THESE DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO TAKE THEM OUT.. you reduced our tactics ability and im disappointed :( i wanna choose when to enter power mode ect.

those are two major things..

some others would be
-no power struggle?
- bigger maps more players.. were are those?


i think all that crysis fans and players wanted was the first crysis with the graphics of cry engine 3.. it'd be great if we could get that same gaming experience as the first one with combined game modes from crysis 2 .. but since im a huge fan i will still buy the game and hopefully the two major things i hate about this game right now get solved maybe by adding a laser or you guys changing the code :)

overall tho the graphics are amazing and so is the game .. everyone should buy it no matter what! :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:02 am

i agree with you all we wanted was the same game modes ( some new one are cool ) but over all we all wanted big maps with better graphics now that gpus are up to the challenge

im still buying the game but crytek should tell us the end features the PC version will have
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:07 am

I wouldn't mind some bigger maps although I haven't seen any other maps besides the ones in the demo :)

I do have a problem with aiming as mentioned above. It's like I'm all over the place when aiming and hitting someone seems pure luck sometimes. I hope they're gonna fix this before the official release. I think they have to cut down the motion-blur dramatically before this game is properly playable. Can't imagine it is just me having a problem with this..

Is anyone from Crytek reading these complaints/requests?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:58 pm

Your game-fix implies making a new game.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:15 am

... the nano suit is suppose to be the ultimate weapon and you decreased it's powers comparing to the first one.. we should be able to choose if we want super speed or super jump..

What? We no longer have the option to switch between the various Nano suit modes in C2?
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Emily Rose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:15 pm

Yes, we do. But super jump and fast running are standartized and not to be chosen.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:57 pm

I am pretty sure there will be a laser in the full version and I don't really understand many of your aim points but I do agree that the laser is a must. I feel like the gameplay is a bit slow because the players move very slow. Armor mode weighs you down like a rock and we can no longer toggle speed and strength seperately. The suit options are a major point for me as well. I also dislike the extremely noob friendly gameplay, the cloakers camping with shotguns or just cloakers in general. The m60 is a bit unbalanced, no gun with a 100 round clip could ever be balanced unless you make the damage very low. Just look at BC2 and CoD, the LMGs are just stupid. The automatic shotgun is a bit dumb as well because it only requires you to aim in the general direction of the enemy and hold left click down. Shotguns in general are a bit unbalanced imo but that is debatable. Melee should require at least 1/3 of your energy per hit. There are too many players that will only melee and that is just dumb because the melee no longer requires skill. Power Struggle is the one of the greatest game modes I have ever played... I had loads of fun playing it and am very sad to see it removed. I would criticize the demo but since I know the PC version will be better in terms of graphics and customizability I will hold back.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:41 am

I like how on my screen every single one of my bullets hits them but they still kill me. Then on the killcam, all of my shots actually missed them.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:25 am

Laser sights and weapon attachments unlocks (scopes, suppressor, bloody holographic projectors) the demo is limited for obvious reasons, we have yet to see 10 entire multiplayer maps or half the weapons and 4 gameplay modes they haven't shown.

You do choose super jump you hold down space rather than tap for a normal jump, and speed is linked to running so it can be combined with stealth/armour along with power jumps add in bum slides, ledge grabs, stealth kills and power stomps and you have far more tactics available to you not counting all the suit upgrades.

Nanosuit 2 is far more powerfull than the original it has all the features and can use almost all of them at once.

Multiplayer is a side attraction to the single player anyway, how many crysis players honestly botherd with the last multiplayer, all crysis 2 needs is a tighter storyline
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:27 am

the Nanosuit is vastly improved

on the previous suit, if you had speed mode, you didn't have strengh punch or jumps

and if you had strengh mode, you didn't have speed

so they combined both modes, making the nanosuit more efficient

as well as that the energy on this suits recharges way faster, so it's an upgrade

Armor mode is more efficient, it may drain energy over time, but you can still make power jumps and run fast

Cloak mode now may take more energy, but it's nearly perfect when standing still, as well that you can still sprint fast and power jump while cloaked

so everyone who says the nanosuit 2 is worse than the nanosuit 1 is wrong
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:07 pm

If the Nano Suit 1 and 2 had a fight, the Nano Suit 2 would win every time.

2 can outcloak, out armour and out strength 1. The only thing 1 has an advantage is is with speed, but what good is that except for running away and dodging attacks?

Past the core mechanics, 2 also fuses itself with the user allowing it to repair tissue very fast. Energy lasts longer and the suit is upgradable to suit the users style of combat. 2 can also look at an environment, present over 5 different tactical options to the user and then give the choice to the user. It can also use thermal vision to find a stealthed enemy.

Need I go on? Just quit it with the 'N1 is better than N2' arguement.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:02 pm

... the nano suit is suppose to be the ultimate weapon and you decreased it's powers comparing to the first one.. we should be able to choose if we want super speed or super jump..

What? We no longer have the option to switch between the various Nano suit modes in C2?

I think he means the ability to jump or sprint without consuming energy.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:33 pm

I don't think they can fix anything now since the game is nearing release. They can always have an update though :)
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