And got a lot of .fsb files. So the question is - how to make .fsb's into .wavs that are actually playable in winamp?
'cos the ones i've got (wavs) are useless 'cos nothing is in there.
Damn, i need my "Maximum suit detecteD"
Issue solved - i had to reextract them. though this does not seem to work on all sounds.
Okay, yiou can delete this topic. Converting to mp3's saved the day.
Or you can stick it. And give people access to sounds
Ok, so the issue is persistent. Sounds that are less than 1 sec in left are disabled. wtf
Ok, so found the mp2's. Trying to convert.
Convert unsuccessful though possible (wav works mp3 slows down). If you really need it - go forth and do it.
Needs better quality
Any questions?