Hi people, today, I see a tweet on twitter from Juliette Sierra and he put this link: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/189750_10150113143626698_655356697_6262870_7678564_n.jpg
I see this photo and said, WTF!!!!!!! the people that buy the limited edition, the cover have print the contens of the limited edition??????
I think wrong, I love the cover. It is incredible, I only meant to have printed all the boxes on the bonus content that brings the issue. I personally do not like it, to display all the content it carries, I prefer the image alone.
I mean I would understand if the cover looked like ME2's original cover (where Shepard looked like he was focusing really had to take a sh*t)....but complaining about this?
god I cannot wait till the day comes when all games on all platforms will be on digital download only
The cover art itself is awesome, but I HATE that they list those stupid Limited Edition bonuses on it. Seriously. They are stupid bonuses to begins with, and they just take up space on what would otherwise be a great looking cover.
The cover art itself is awesome, but I HATE that they list those stupid Limited Edition bonuses on it. Seriously. They are stupid bonuses to begins with, and they just take up space on what would otherwise be a great looking cover.
Whats your problem with: best looking game on consoles? It was a 360 packshot so its obviously the right line to advertise the game here. It would be odd if they would print it on the Pc version package though Ha ha!