Melee in First Person Shooters

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 am

Melee has become far too powerful in today's shooters and the current way the melee is set up in Crysis 2 is FINE! How many shooters have you played where the game was significantly worse because of underpowered melee? I would wager a guess at zero. Have you ever played a shooter where the melee was very powerful and that made the game worse (just because you enjoy abusing a gameplay system doesn't make it a good feature)? Melee in First person should be a humiliation tactic or an absolute last resort, NOT AN OFFENSIVE WEAPON! This game is a shooter so SHOOT people.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:12 am

Counter Strike or Team Fortress 2 (unless you're playing on a silly crit server)

I'm assuming you're just talking about 1 hit knife Call of duty
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:37 pm

'better' and 'worse' are subjective terms in themselves. While I agree that 2 hit melee is fine, I think people seriously overthink this issue. Melee is a fundamental part of most shooters, and necessary for situations where a player has run out of ammo, or is not using a silencer and wants a quiet kill. Thankfully it's not going anywhere.

As long as there is still OHK from the back, I see absolutely no issue with 2-hit melee. After all, it seems the main issue people have with it is that guys can occasionally run through a stream of bullets and melee you to death, which will happen alot less with a 2-hit requisite.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:12 pm

dude youre just talking about cod=marathon+ninja=make you rage quit
id rather have fists then a gun hitting them
but in cloak sneaking up behind and twisting head off just so freaking fun
crysis2 melee is perfect
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:53 pm

one has to consider several things

conceptually speaking in a game like Halo or Crysis we are given a veritable power armor which gives the wearer unimaginable strenght. A punch at thrown with that force SHOULD be a bone shattering force able to cause massive damage (but this is all a conceptual preamble)

Gameplay wise...if someone is bad enough to let an opponent come too close (or if the opponent is just that good) then he deserves to pay for his mistake (or the opponent deserves to be rewarded for his mad skills).
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:41 pm

Consistency is a good point. Melee kills in many games register more reliably than bullets. Tbh, Brink looks as though it has the right idea in some respects. A melee attack doesn't OHK but it knocks you down. From there, being shot or meleed once will kill you. However you are capable of attempting to get up or shooting back. This therefore rewards getting close to enemies while allowing the victim a chance to fight back in CQC.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:34 am

one has to consider several things

conceptually speaking in a game like Halo or Crysis we are given a veritable power armor which gives the wearer unimaginable strenght. A punch at thrown with that force SHOULD be a bone shattering force able to cause massive damage (but this is all a conceptual preamble)

Gameplay wise...if someone is bad enough to let an opponent come too close (or if the opponent is just that good) then he deserves to pay for his mistake (or the opponent deserves to be rewarded for his mad skills).

Takes madskillz to wait around a corner waiting for someone to walk past. Also lore/canon/whatever you want to call it should be the last thing taken into consideration when it comes to gameplay balancing.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm

one has to consider several things

conceptually speaking in a game like Halo or Crysis we are given a veritable power armor which gives the wearer unimaginable strenght. A punch at thrown with that force SHOULD be a bone shattering force able to cause massive damage (but this is all a conceptual preamble)

Gameplay wise...if someone is bad enough to let an opponent come too close (or if the opponent is just that good) then he deserves to pay for his mistake (or the opponent deserves to be rewarded for his mad skills).

Takes madskillz to wait around a corner waiting for someone to walk past. Also lore/canon/whatever you want to call it should be the last thing taken into consideration when it comes to gameplay balancing.


first off that is what mods and perks are for (Maximum Radar, Nanovision)

secondly, there is no sense in creating a rich fictional world if you end up disregarding the lore in favor of the gameplay or merly handwave it. Luckily this is not the case, melee damage is high as it should be in Crysis 2 (since this was the conundrum of this thread)....but there are plenty of games with VERY rich universes behind them who do this (Mass Effect 2 is lately one of the worst offenders on my list)
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:09 pm

I agree with the Op if you use melee as a way to get kills instead of using guns then you are a coward and a punk because this game is a FPS shooter. Halo screwed FPS by adding the stupid melee crap into its games. and now every FPS thinks they need it as well .
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:08 am

Melee has become far too powerful in today's shooters

No I don't think so, this is progress IMO but I'm not hugely fussed either way.

I do think a requirement for multiple strikes lead to the kind of moments which are so weird that they ruin the illusion of the game. How many times have you seen the noob seek to overpower his opponent in hand to hand combat while the more experienced player casually reloads his sniper rifle takes aim and kills him with a head shot.

sure it's funny if you are the one with the sniper but it's also completely outside the bounds of reality. In the real world there is literally no amount of training that can make up for a stupid decision like trying to reload your gun while you are being charged by a mad man. It is only the limitations of the fps interface that facilitate this tactic, if realism is a concern then it's obviously better to hide them with a single hit melee than parade them for all to see.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:28 am

Melee has become far too powerful in today's shooters and the current way the melee is set up in Crysis 2 is FINE! How many shooters have you played where the game was significantly worse because of underpowered melee? I would wager a guess at zero. Have you ever played a shooter where the melee was very powerful and that made the game worse (just because you enjoy abusing a gameplay system doesn't make it a good feature)? Melee in First person should be a humiliation tactic or an absolute last resort, NOT AN OFFENSIVE WEAPON! This game is a shooter so SHOOT people.

cRysis melee 2 hit and in armour mode 3 its just perfect.The invi stealth kill requires energy so it lets u vulnerable to the next enemy so its pretty well balanced also.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:47 pm

I agree with the Op if you use melee as a way to get kills instead of using guns then you are a coward and a punk because this game is a FPS shooter. Halo screwed FPS by adding the stupid melee crap into its games. and now every FPS thinks they need it as well .

Oh dear.. SO much fail.

You can't be a coward in a game. Seriously, it's a game. In any event, running up to people and risking getting shot is reckless, not cowardice.

If you don't like melee attacks, go buy something else. Shooters have evolved.
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