well antec is also great in USA.
Just remember,If you are going for sli you need 1000w power supply from good brand. Sli will eat 50% to 60% of given power supply.Also you are getting core i7,so you must go for 1000w.There are cheap but good quality of cooler master psu's if you don't have money to get from antec or coresair.
If you don't get enough power supply,your pc will restart every time you play game from day1.cuz its not getting power that system needs.
well ........
6-8gb ddr3 RAM at @1333mhz
this ram is must if you are seriously gonna do cad.Are you sure if you want to do cad,if not then 8 gb of ram is unnecessary as most games work on 4 gb fine.
1000w psu= sli (that's it !
