Lol... orbital strike lag isnt an issue at client side its an issue at server side and they need to update servers with fix so... dont expect it in client patch
Why nerf the shotgun attachment!? Why dont you boost the GAUSS sniper rifle? Why dont you buff the L-tag!? Why dont you buff Flashbang? - There is always server patches along the patch itself and Im very aware of that. - Why nerf JAW? So everyone can run around with SCAR and SCARAB a little more?
crytek do you even have people playing your modes on public servers 2 find out how it looks out there or are you just guessing?
I don't know if has been looked at but the issue of servers with one or two players in them showing as empty is something I hope can be addressed. This makes it very hard to populate an empty server.
I don't know if has been looked at but the issue of servers with one or two players in them showing as empty is something I hope can be addressed. This makes it very hard to populate an empty server.
Please crytek... PRETTY PLEASE! Buff Air Stomp, it is so useless at the moment, you can't get any kills with it, you will be lucky to even damage an opponent before he either kills you mid-air or he moves out of the way.... None uses it.... Give us a reason to do.
Please keep everything in the one main thread (for each topic/issue). Countless times we've asked for this so that we can gauge the importance of issues by how many people are posting in the threads and it stops information from being scattered all over the forum.
I've just merged 6 threads in the PC section regarding the orbital strike lag: