I bought Crysis2 when it came out and have been hooked to it till now.
I play multiplayer regularly.
But I want to report something inappropritate which happened today.
I play from India, and the pings I on most servers aren't good. However, I was having a good run on a US server, and after getting 7-8 kills without dying, I was kicked and banned from the server for no apparent reason, except that i was getting kills. I have never hacked/cheated in this game and I hate hackers/cheaters.
Server info:
US Multiplay #015
The game is already infested with hackers/cheaters and things like these make it more hard for fans to stick to the online experience.
I hope crysis/ea team come up with better solution to things like these. Just assuming someone is hacking becuase he/she is playing good is very immature and disencouraging to the player.
Has something like this happened to someone else here ?
Thanks for reading my post.