The switching is an old statement from counterstrike when you switch your weapons from lets say secondary (pistol) 2 primary(rifle, Smg)
In crysis 2 he switching isnt accurate.
Sometimes it takes 2-3 seconds before the switching happens after pressing the button. Some random delay. And that makes me wanna press again. And when the switching happens between the underbarrel attachment it switches back again since i pressed it 2 in a row.
Its the delay suppose 2 be there?
Another thing is that when I first switch 2 my grenade launcher it sometimes put a nade in the tube (reload animation) and sometimes it doesnt.... (not with shotgun athmt).
When I have emptied my barrel on my attachment on a guy without effect I want 2 be able 2 switch!!!!
But I cant instead my attachment want 2 be reloaded and the animation (reload animation, putting a grenade in the tube or reloading shells in the shotgun) goes on and I have no chance 2 switch into any other weapons and therefore I die..
The underbarrel attachment is a secondary on the primiar and therefore I should easily be able 2 skip the reload and do it later when I switch back!?
And sometimes when using shotguns, both underbarrel and primiary(Jackal, marshal), my aim(crosshair on screen) disappear randomly and the only way 2 get it back is 2 switch from it to an other weapon and back!
An other thing is that sometimes my underbarrel attachment wont allow me to switch to anything!!! Its not happening when I pressing the slot buttons! Its stuck! Often with zero shells in it and nothing 2 reload it with. I cant recall this with the grenadelaucher but I think its there 2.
And one completely other thing is that my ceph gunship bonus dont work on Downed Bird - capture the relay. I can hear it but its stuck behind the buildings on the right side (if you start on the buss garage side) and I can hear it struggeling to get out.. I know it sounds absurd but its true xD...