Dear Raging Admins who ban good players.

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:27 pm

dumb down your play

Hey davinci, I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but other artists are getting butt hurt by your skill so imma ask you to SLOW down bro.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 pm

LMFAO SDub!!! Oh my god i just lost it bro.

We can't dumb down our play, its impossible. Unless you want us to stand around, kicking cars and standing still, its impossible. We want competitive play, but its not around. So to all u pubbers out there, start using voice chat to beat us. Or keep losing. Its simple.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:09 am

Or get used to getting banned.... I don't want for you guys but its looking a lot more likely as the word spreads. Just split up the team it helps you learn a lot about each other. Iron sharpens Iron.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:26 am

Damn straight OP.
I consistently am either MVP or in the Top 3 and people try to kick me for being good all the time
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:30 pm

OP have a rhymes in my head
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:11 pm

After playing with you and against you guys I have to say your too good for you own good. People do not like dieing the same rate as they would at a hackers hands. Its that simple.

I rage against you guys becuase some time it is BS(thanks to your crazy good latencies. Which how do you have such good ones in the first place) and you do explot a lot weakness in the game( the super combo that you said you guys didn't use.) I don't know but pub servers will ban you guys just to make it better for the pubs. I am sorry but you guys skill/BS will keep you off a lot places quick just because you do bring a hacker like feel with you. Just split up the team more often. A lot if good clans on BC2 during pub hours had people on both sides to keep things balanced(and keep the server popular) if you guys do not do this you should get a server just so you can justify pub stomping.

We absolutely do NOT use the Stealth Enhance/Energy Transfer/Mobility Enhance. Do not accuse us of that. We have a decent ping but we also all have very high accuracy and NONE (besides typatty) of us use stealth. We're practically gimping ourselves with underused loadouts and removing stealth from our play-style. If you can't handle that then too bad. We just need somewhere to play together and skill and teamwork should not be condemned.

You're joining a pub where everyone on the other team has no affiliation whatsoever. They have no clue what the other person is doing unless they voice it, type it, or if you stare at the minimap and guess by the direction they're going. Which still is a disadvantage because you're still only a group of two at best. They almost always will not communicate the enemies position which is a huge disadvantage to people who do.(i.e. you) If you actually consider that challenging with a group of people behind you, you're a very stupid idiot. One that has never ever succeeded in gaming. If you had, you would understand how unfair of an "achievement" it is to beat down on randies in a pub with a squad of decent friends.

There are so many things wrong with what you're saying. It's an insult to competitive gaming. If you can only enjoy the game when the odds are severely stacked in your favor, you need to find a new hobby other than gaming.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:57 am

I already got to talk to a few server owners to play with more people we may be acquainted with, that was my intent of this post in the first place.

The rest of you guys trying to flame out a point about how friends shouldn't play together can go ahead and take a seat. If this game had a competitive scene we'd be playing it and pubbing a lot less. However, we don't have that option as of right now and are waiting for it.

Also, someone took a dump in Crimzin's oatmeal. Insult to competitive gaming? Heavy stuff broseph.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:58 am

I didn't say one thing about not playing together. I explicitly said on the same team. Try playing against each other if you're actually any good. Try to, you know, challenge yourselves? Which was your original point to begin with. "The only way you're going to improve your game is by playing people that are better than you."

Please don't start an argument about how you wouldn't learn from your teammates or how you're trying to organize inapplicable team strategies versus pubs. You will be expressing that you can't comprehend competition or understand how to actually challenge yourself.

It's not heavy stuff to a person who's been involved with it for years. It's just basic fundamental logic.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Crimzin1, grab some friends, and play against us. In regards to playing against each other we'd rather play with each other cause it's enjoyable to be amongst friends on the same team, pretty simple concept. No point in throwing around statements like: "It's an insult to competitive gaming. If you can only enjoy the game when the odds are severely stacked in your favor, you need to find a new hobby other than gaming," over the top man.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:37 am

I've never been banned from a server. I've almost been kicked on a couple of servers a couple of times (never successfully), but i've found thats usually from votes initiated by other level 50 players because i am 'annoying' or ruining their K/D (wow lame).

Personally (so far) I LOVE going against a clan squad of players, as long as my teams levels aren't too low my side usually wins... so far at least. I had a good match the other day with a strong clan and it was pretty even, I was impressed by their team work. It depends on the game mode, some modes are more affected by team stacking than others. Whenever i've played in squads, the imbalance has been pretty extreme, unless you are training teamwork (quite important too), you probably won't get better if you are always in a squad. As for the clan I am in, we rarely play in a squad unless its practice for an inter-clan scrim. I think banning players that are in a squad is really lame, it would be better for admins to warn people first.

If you haven't realised there are quite a few clans with their own servers (we have multiple), if you want to organise scrims then you can find active clans that way. So far at least, the only reason we ban is for cheaters, its easy to ban the obvious cheaters, though there are some new bs hacks that are harder to prove. I'd pay Crytex for a DLC that stops cheating :X. Crysis wars seemed to have far less cheats.

I've seen a few Russian clan squads, some German clan squads, American clans seem to be more active so far. Unfortunately I haven't seen the top Australian clans that were around in Crysis 1/wars, I have seen their forums but haven't seen them ingame o.O.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:53 pm

Crimzin1, grab some friends, and play against us. In regards to playing against each other we'd rather play with each other cause it's enjoyable to be amongst friends on the same team, pretty simple concept. No point in throwing around statements like: "It's an insult to competitive gaming. If you can only enjoy the game when the odds are severely stacked in your favor, you need to find a new hobby other than gaming," over the top man.

Yes its enjoyable but fair it is not. I played in clan back in BC2 and we would split up a lot of the time to keep the server alive. People will jump servers if they have any senses. Because they do not want to be pub stomped. There is a really low tolerance level right now for any BS even if its people just own other people (like say a round where I was Air-Stomping the hell out of everyone.) I like you guys but please just split up and have fun. You do not need to play together if anything you need to play against each other.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:59 pm

Or people could just join solo type maps which prevents squadding with your buds.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:42 pm

Or people could just join solo type maps which prevents squadding with your buds.
I wonder what that mode was.... I might just do that when i see it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:32 am

Thought my last post was an indication that I didn't need this thread anymore, still going?

Oh my bad! Crimzin's still throwing around hypothetical BS. >.> I assume you guys never play each other, I assume they're always talking to me, I assume they're going to make THIS argument next! blah blah blah.... Biggest waste of my time goes to.... (It's okay Crimzin you can assume that too since you're so experienced and all)

Business, I'll throw you a PM and see if we can set something up ;)

Everyone else! Go have fun with this new post as it's a lot worse than mine.

My last post for this topic as it's not needed anymore.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:38 pm

Here are our two servers, ranked 1st and 2nd. We welcome good players. We admin our servers but I don't know what you guys get all hissy about. The Banned List doesn't work so you can always get back on the servers. Except if you get banned from our servers. We constantly keep a look out for the known hackers and ban/kick them when we see them. Please enjoy our servers while you can. If the Devs don't fix the Banned List and the Stuck in Lobby problems, we'll be shutting down our servers at the end of the month.

BTW, I understand where Crimzin1 is coming from. If you bring that Hacker feel to our pub server, you will most likely be banned on sight. We pay for these servers so everyone can enjoy playing on them. I've seen to many of those exceptionally good players/hackers come into a Pub server, raqe it with a stacked team and leave the server empty after they had their fun. We don't allow our own members to stack teams, we won't allow outsiders to do it either.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

Geronimo, we play on your server whenever we can get in :)
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:31 am

Geronimo, we play on your server whenever we can get in :)
Just come on Vent and let's see about putting you on our reserved list. But we don't allow team stacking. Only players that switch to balance the games can get a reserved slot on our servers. The only way to insure they will respect this policy is to support the servers. We found that players who support the servers have less tendency to team stack and empty out a server they are supporting financially.
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