» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:37 am
I've never been banned from a server. I've almost been kicked on a couple of servers a couple of times (never successfully), but i've found thats usually from votes initiated by other level 50 players because i am 'annoying' or ruining their K/D (wow lame).
Personally (so far) I LOVE going against a clan squad of players, as long as my teams levels aren't too low my side usually wins... so far at least. I had a good match the other day with a strong clan and it was pretty even, I was impressed by their team work. It depends on the game mode, some modes are more affected by team stacking than others. Whenever i've played in squads, the imbalance has been pretty extreme, unless you are training teamwork (quite important too), you probably won't get better if you are always in a squad. As for the clan I am in, we rarely play in a squad unless its practice for an inter-clan scrim. I think banning players that are in a squad is really lame, it would be better for admins to warn people first.
If you haven't realised there are quite a few clans with their own servers (we have multiple), if you want to organise scrims then you can find active clans that way. So far at least, the only reason we ban is for cheaters, its easy to ban the obvious cheaters, though there are some new bs hacks that are harder to prove. I'd pay Crytex for a DLC that stops cheating :X. Crysis wars seemed to have far less cheats.
I've seen a few Russian clan squads, some German clan squads, American clans seem to be more active so far. Unfortunately I haven't seen the top Australian clans that were around in Crysis 1/wars, I have seen their forums but haven't seen them ingame o.O.